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i am using a baby blue bottle for recording vocals and sm57/md421 for guitar cabs

if i can't have an api3124 ... whats a nice preamp for around $750-1000. most importantly for vocals and electric guitars

any suggestions?

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AudioGaff Mon, 12/21/2009 - 20:08

Don't go and buy crap cause your antsy to spend money.

Just save. An API 3124 (or any high-end preamp) is worth saving for. Everytime you look at it and everytime you use it, you will smile and think to yourself how dumb it would have been if you had not not saved and bought some crap. That's one regert that you can eaisly avoid before it happens.

soapfloats Mon, 12/21/2009 - 20:41

AudioGaff wrote: Don't go and buy crap cause your antsy to spend money.

Just save. An API 3124 (or any high-end preamp) is worth saving for. Everytime you look at it and everytime you use it, you will smile and think to yourself how dumb it would have been if you had not not saved and bought some crap. That's one regert that you can eaisly avoid before it happens.


I've bought some cheapos.
I've bought some nice mics and a few good preamps.
I do my research.

I can't agree more w/ Gaff's comments.
There's no better feeling than doing a session w/ a quality mic and/or pre and looking at it, knowing you'll use it forever.

The 3124 is #1 on my list to get, btw

Todzilla Tue, 12/22/2009 - 13:52

You can have it both ways if you're intrepid and/or good with a soldering iron.

For $1000 you can build two channels of API-esque preamps from Seventh Circle Audio. Absolutely brilliant pristine preamps that sound wowser. Plus, for another $300, you can add a channel of Neve clone, $370 for John Hardy clone, $200 for Millennia clone, up to 8 channels.

I use my API and Neve channels next to my neighbors API 512 lunchbox and while there are differences in sound, the SCA often is the preferred box.

Boswell Wed, 12/23/2009 - 04:28

dshiloh13 wrote: i am using a baby blue bottle for recording vocals and sm57/md421 for guitar cabs

if i can't have an api3124 ... whats a nice pre amp for around $750-1000. most importantly for vocals and electric guitars

any suggestions?

I seriously suggest you look at the DAV BG1. It's a very transparent 2-channel unit and delivers great results. You can probably get it for a bit less than your stated price range.

I have a number of BG1s (but not as many as Dave Gilmour) as well as API 3124s, and there are many gigs where I prefer to assign channels to the DAVs rather than the APIs. The switched gain (as opposed to continuously variable) is a real boon for accurate repeat setting of levels.

jdier Tue, 05/11/2010 - 06:42

Just based on what I have USED in the past I think that the Great River preamp, a Jim Williams High Speed Preamp or even the FMR RNP are all good solid units that can live on in your rack forever.

I am sure the API is great too, but the others listed above are capable of making good recordings also.

ondray Wed, 05/12/2010 - 16:54

I'd start a little API lunch box rack :). I've used the below 3 pre's a week ago for overheads, DI electric Bass, DI electric guitar and vocals . I own two GR MP-500NV and love them. But I must say for vocals the API 512C were great, lot's of character. The True Systems Pres were 'so so'. The GR are just great all around, I hadn't use them on overheads until that day and I compared them to the True System which are both Neve alikes. The GR's were amazing.

API 512C
Great River MP-500NV
True Systems PT2-500

Happy shopping