The artist is kingsley. Whats Unique about kingsley is that he doesn't write his lyrics down on paper... His theory is that the lyrics are already there... the song is already made... it just about being in the present and letting the words come to you... But he's extremely clever with his word choice... For example he'll say multiple things in a verse that have an indirect correlation with each other.. and sometimes when I'm mixing or listening back I won't get what he said until literally DAYS later...
This is why I like his work... Although what he says seems to fly over a lot of peoples heads... Maybe his work is the type that you won't appreciate until much later... like his lyrics...
Let me know what you think of Kingsley. And please let me know what you think of my production, and my partners mixing/mastering skills.
Thank you
Here's our most recent song we've released online:
Here's a link to more songs by kingsley, myself and a few other artists I like to work with
i listened. i hate it
i listened. i hate it
Thanks for listening!... What about it do you hate?
Thanks for listening!... What about it do you hate?
there's no melody ... it's just some one bragging in prose ... i
there's no melody ... it's just some one bragging in prose ... i generally hate rap ... and i think this is the bottom of the barrel.
i don't mean to be mean or hurtful. i prefer real music with hooks choruses verses, instuments (not beats and samples). you know REAL music played by real people.
Kurt Foster, post: 396609 wrote: there's no melody ... it's just
This sounds closed minded to me. But I'll respect you're opinion. Thanks again for listening
If it makes you feel better though, I didn't loop any of the beat...It was all played by a real person.. If you listen to the underlying strings you can get a better feel for the melody
I get what Kurt is saying here. In defence of this style, which
I get what Kurt is saying here. In defence of this style, which I don't like either but can still hear past that and look for creative talent, it was hard to like much about this mix. The kick is too cold and dominating. The reverb sounds very itb which doesn't help either. The track has a vibe of being in some underground concrete subway that you wouldn't want to be lost in.
I like the idea of being able to improve on the spot though. Its something I have practised doing for years. Its a great asset.
MrPhaSe, post: 396611 wrote: This sounds closed minded to me. Bu
i don't belive that kick wasn't quantized. i still don't like it for many reasons which i won't go into here. i will say i have head much better rap songs than this.
I suppose its art. As for the recordings its kinda a one trick p
I suppose its art. As for the recordings its kinda a one trick pony. The first few bars and all thats been said is done.It doesnt have a lot of sonic depth. Personally I think rap has run out of things to say and beats that are compelling and large. I'm not up on which kind of rap this would be. There seems to be as many sub-genres as there are hoods......
Kurt Foster, post: 396614 wrote: the "underlying strings/ melody
Nothing is quanitized there my boy.
The fact is that you have a prejudice against rap music. Fine.
I'm willing to bet you're a fan of the beatles... and white(not that that means anything.. just an assumption)
Its alright though, I have a prejudice against fruity loops and click track productions.. I play the bass and piano as well, and Im willing to bet I'm better than you.
MrPhaSe, post: 396652 wrote: Nothing is quanitized there my boy.
listen asshole
first, i am not your "boy". i'm a man. i grew up in Oakland CA ... lived at 77th Ave and East 18th. my best friends when i was a kid and some of my best friends now were/are people of color.
my Mother and Father were leading activist in CORE, SNCC and other civil rights groups in the Bay Area. I had the fu&kin' FBI tapping my phone and following my family around. They went to my Mothers employers on several different occasions and got her fired. they tried to get my Father fired but he was an Auto Worker at GM so the union (the UAW) protected him. i remember being on the picket lines in front of the Sears and Woolworth stores protesting the jim crow lunch-counters. the FBI went to the schools i attended from elementary through high school and told the administrators and teachers my parents were "communists". can you even imagine the crap my sister and i had to deal with because of that? (time frame 1960's)
Cesare Chavez sent a letter of condolence when my mother passed away at age 49. i still wonder sometimes if the government did something to her to get her so sick at such a young age to shut her up. my family paid the price.
I am proud to say i was a friend of Brownie McGhee and the music i love most is Blues. so don't go playing the race card. truth is you asked for a critique and when you didn't get the answers you wanted you cry "racist". search Google if you want to see what I have done. to boot, i have made real records for real record companies some which paid well including a $20k advance from Demon Records on Brownies CD ... have you ever cashed a check from a record company? ... i didn't think so. so here's a whole bag of fu&k you to open.
you owe me a public apology.
P.S. who doesn't love The Beatles?
who doesn't love The Beatles?
MrPhaSe, post: 396652 wrote: Nothing is quanitized there my boy.
Moderation in order:
Kurt, in all due respect, I didn't read any suggestion of racist from MrPhaSe. If I read this correctly, he is basing this response on:
why did he even have to mention he thought i was white then? wha
why did he even have to mention he thought i was white then? what's that got to do with it? and what's with the coded use of the word predjudeced? he could have said anti rap bias but nooooo. ..... i didn't say i bet your afro american or i bet your black ...
sorry Chris. he did play the race card.
And using "white" was not the right choice so I see where this a
And using "white" was not the right choice so I see where this all went sideways;
Please, back to positive help on this track.
Kurt Foster, post: 396659 wrote: why did he even have to mention
sorry Kurt, you posted this before I had a chance to finish.
Agree, "white" was not a good choice from MrPhaSe. But it started from your attack on the Rap culture and art form. It was a bit heavy there. Its where it went sideways.
Lets get back to the track. :)
i think the whole thing should be deleted. if you go back and l
i think the whole thing should be deleted.
if you go back and listen to the ops track posted you will hear what i said is in direct corrilation to the song.
i also remarked that i thought the Black Eyed Peas and were great ... i thought it was a balanced answer.
a lot of RAP / Hip Hop is very negatve. there are people in the Afro American community who say that. it has nothing to do with race.
his use of "i'll bet your white" , the coded word use of "prejudiced" and his snarky remark i bet you like the Beatles is all indicative. that's 3 times in one post. i know what he meant, even if you don't see it.
i will add one thing and then let it alone hopefully. i made one simple remark. i said i hated it. it was the op that came back at me and asked what i didn't like . don't ask if you can't handle the answer.
From where?
From where?
audiokid, post: 396663 wrote: From where? The fact is that you
Your statement about Rap sounded prejudice, I feel this will hau
Your statement about Rap sounded prejudice, I feel this will haunt the thread too?
i object to the use of the word prejudice in this context. it's
i object to the use of the word prejudice in this context. it's a hot button word. i would prefer biased ... or anti rap stance . the word mens to pre judge. it implies i would hate something just because it's rap. that's not true. i listened first. i hated it second. not prejudiced.
do i like rap? for the most part no. i don't care much for some metal music either. i have kicked neo nazi metal heads out of the studio too. i'm equal opportunity. i hate everyone! :tongue:
but one thing i am not is a racist.
I'm sure you are not! I'll kill it from your suggested spot but
I'm sure you are not! I'll kill it from your suggested spot but it may resurface because of how it read in that early post.
WOW! Kurt musta gone off............Be careful Jedi Knight.
WOW! Kurt musta gone off............Be careful Jedi Knight.
AND btw...being a "fan of the Beatles" doesnt qualify you as "racist"....
Maybe if MRpHase listened to the Beatles in an objective manor, he would see what all the fuss is about.
Oh and comparing ones skills to those of another's without firsthand knowledge is rather ignorant....Dont you think?
I KNOW you arent better than ME!!!! Hows that feel?? And I'm a hack compared to my clients......
Davedog, post: 396719 wrote: WOW! Kurt musta gone off...........
Yeah, it is ignorant. That was my point.
I'm interested in what kurt said now, i wish it wasn't deleted...
as far as me being better than anyone, im open to any sort of battle or competition that has to do with the piano.
and I never said anything about being racist-edit
phase i'm sending you a private message.
i'm sending you a private message.
take your time
take your time
MrPhaSe, post: 396764 wrote: take your time rotf! Perfect resp
rotf! Perfect response . thumb