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Crowley And Tripp Ribbon Microphones

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Submitted by B Callaway on

Has anyone used their microphones namely the Naked Eye model. There seems to be no reviews of how they performed available.


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I tried out the line at a trade show last year and I was blown away by the Studio Vocalist. It was very different from any other ribbon I've tried. Much more like a classic LDC, but with a slightly "rounder" tone (I want to say "warm" but it's so overused.)

The detail on top was clear and sharp without any strident top end issues, as you'd expect from a ribbon, but it was nowhere near as dark as many of the inexpensive ribbons I've tried.

For what they are, they're a great deal, I think. I seem to recall the Studio Vocalist model being somewhere around $1300 or $1500.... and it is hand-machined to incredible specs. The way they tune the frequency response on these things was explained to me. Its not about electronics so much as its about physically affecting how the ribbon reacts with the parts that are surrounding it. Maybe they're polarized one way or another. The way it was described made perfect sense to me, but it was pretty heavy stuff.

I would love to pick one of these up as soon as money permits. It would be a serious contender as a main vocal mic in an already well-equipped studio.

I'm even more curious about this new model. I forget the name of it, but it's under $800, if I recall.

EDIT: After re-reading my post and seeing that I only had 1 post here, I sure do sound like an intern at the company.... Seriously, I'm being sincere! I really loved the mic I tried.


Tue, 07/04/2006 - 12:47 Permalink