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I'm wondering if there are any standalone software programs that competently de-ess a wav file. I don't want to spend the money for a hardware de-esser when I rarely use need it.

I haven't been happy with the embedded software de-essers I've tried in SoundBooth and Sound Forge, but it is probably fair to chalk that up to stupid user error.

Give me a one knob squeezer any day! :lol:


audiokid Mon, 05/11/2009 - 21:52

Well, yes... the parametric would be on all ( unless you have automation) the time where the desser, would move in and out ( depending on how good it is) and your settings.

I'm not the best at explaining things at times...

A desser is performing a similar function, like how a side chain works. What ever you are using to record, is most likely spiking in a particular freq. Or, you have a bit of an S when speaking etc. Easy to solve really.

example: 6k to 8k maybe. This is a typical issue created with less quality electronics. Using a parametric to dial in the spike, narrow it in and, pull it out is pretty much the same thing. Since you are only dealing with one voice, yes?
Cheap dessers are junk IMHO. They degrade the entire sound, not just the spike. If you can't afford something of quality, a parametric on hand may do it for you.

Boswell Tue, 05/12/2009 - 04:48

griz wrote: I'm wondering if there are any standalone software programs that competently de-ess a wav file. I don't want to spend the money for a hardware de-esser when I rarely use need it.

I haven't been happy with the embedded software de-essers I've tried in SoundBooth and Sound Forge, but it is probably fair to chalk that up to stupid user error.

Give me a one knob squeezer any day! :lol:

And what exactly would you do with a knob squeezer?

You could try running a VST de-esser plug-in such as Spitfish stand-alone under VSThost:
(Dead Link Removed)

I've never tried this, but you could also have a look at the possibility of running a VST de-esser plug in a standalone box such as one of the SM Pro Audio "V" range (V-Machine, V-Box, V-Rack etc). You would need to have a MIDI controller available to control the parameters. Not as cheap as free software, but would get you out of having to run DAW programs.

anonymous Mon, 07/06/2009 - 16:15

Best Deesser

I know this is a bit old, and this has been covered before, and it's not exactly what you were asking, but....wait, why am I posting this?
The Massey de-esser is pretty amazing. I'll agree that most plugin de-essers aren't very good. Even the Waves de-esser isn't all that great (in my opinion). The Massey one is free to try (just can't save presets), and very cheap, if you do buy it. One of my top 5 plugins.
