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studio Intern available for L.A. area

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Submitted by crazy_guitar on

Hi, I'm a young recording engineer, and I was wondering if any studio owner in L.A needed a free intern. I have lots of knoldge about studios, and I've worked in mayor label recordings. So if you need a young ambicious person to help you out, please email me



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crazy guitar...

Did you post one of your mixes from a band on the Pro Tools DUC a while ago? People were saying the band sounded like "no doubt". Do you remember Hardnox? I think I emailed you.

Email me if I'm right. I'm taking you seriously, unlike some above it seems're not even one yet and you say the word "Intern" and already you get treated like shit.

It's 2002, get your own rig, and your own sound. Get damn good and start taking gigs from the guys you'd otherwise be interning for.

Thu, 04/25/2002 - 15:22 Permalink
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I'd say, make it a hobby and find a career that will pay the bills now and in the future.

This buisness has undergone a HUGE paradigm shift in the last 3 years. The dust is settling and things will NEVER be the same again. Labels (and I'm speaking record buisness here-post, ect is a little differrent, and are temporarilly buffered from this...but only temporary) and the industry, want people that can do it ALL. I.E. Write/Perform/Produce/Engineer....all on a continuing to shrink budget. It's the same (very) few guys that are getting the calls. There is NO studio system to speak of anymore. Hell, you almost cant get a paying runner job. you have to intern (read: work for free). Guys that were mixing are finding it hard to get tracking gigs.....tracking guys are only getting used for Drum Tracks (the producer &/or Artisit can record all the overdubs ...for example)

For all you new guys out there....having a PT rig might mean something in OHIO...but LA, NY, Nash.....forget it....there's a zillion guys already there in front of you...and there's not enough work for them.

Call me a naysayer...and there are exceptions...but there just that...exceptions.........The Dream is Over...................

Sun, 04/28/2002 - 10:52 Permalink
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Originally posted by crazy_guitar:

Well, I've never interned in my life, and I get pretty big gigs now and then from my friend engineers who are somewhat big. But I want to intern because I just wanna be in the studio all the time!

Interns don't "get in the studio" per say...except to clean up and/or assist the assistant from time to time. Of course I'm talking 'bout big places here, (RecordPlant, ect)

Mon, 05/13/2002 - 07:50 Permalink
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This buisness... will NEVER be the same again. Labels ... and the industry, want people that can do it ALL. ...continuing to shrink budget. It's the same (very) few guys that are getting the calls. There is NO studio system to speak of anymore.

Guys that were mixing are finding it hard to get tracking gigs......there's a zillion guys already there in front of you...and there's not enough work for them.

...but there just that...exceptions.........The Dream is Over...................


Well, I've never interned in my life, I just wanna be in the studio all the time!


Interns don't "get in the studio" per say...except to clean up and/or assist the assistant from time to time. Of course I'm talking 'bout big places here, (RecordPlant, ect)

That is a very important cut: the whole educating process almost breaks apart and more and more half-knowledge is spreading over the (still analog) studios - in Europe. Digi takes over the production process and many Studios seem to cannot afford house-technicians anymore, that spread some realworld knowledge. Ask the "Studio-assistant" about the alignment of the MT and you get a big :confused:

OTOH, interns, who have their own audio-systems at home and think they could easily do the job of the producer and jump in after a month, not anticipating to do it the hard route and keep the spirit of a "big facility".


Is the recording-industry still capable of educating audio-engineers? Is there still the need for audio-engineers in the near future?


This might sound like two radical questions, but the situation will become critical within the next year, don't you think?


Mon, 05/13/2002 - 10:58 Permalink
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recorderma wrote:

'Call me a naysayer...and there are exceptions...but there just that...exceptions.........The Dream is Over................... '

for some.. for others, the dream is just becoming reality

i am one of those you mentioned (writer/producer/singer/bandleader/dogbody), and i wanted to note that in the process of producing my record, the only people i'm paying hard (ooh, it ain't easy) cash to, are a tracking engineer and a mastering engineer (still tossing up about the need for a mixing engineer)

i don't have a label deal, or a commercial imperative, i just want to make a record, and willing (if not necessarily able) to wear most hats, but i recognised (the hard way, is there any other?) that this record will not have legs without professional engineering input

in essence, if i want to keep wearing the artist's hat, i need to bring some engineers into the picture, and, furthermore, i can see a situation developing, where long-term working relationships start to form, and these relationships mean that skilled engineers will continue to be employed by small fish, such as i

just my perspective,



newcastle, oz

Fri, 05/24/2002 - 23:55 Permalink
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Originally posted by max:

recorderma wrote:

'Call me a naysayer...and there are exceptions...but there just that...exceptions.........The Dream is Over................... '

for some.. for others, the dream is just becoming reality

I think that is the way of the world. The door closes on one opportunity for one group, and it almost inevitably opens for another group. The world continues to change and move ahead, especially with the pace of technology. 3 Years ago, very few people recorded their own demos...nowadays...every Joe and their brother (including myself) has their own project studio, and can produce (in most cases) fairly decent work.

Even though it has been brought up many, many times long ago was it that the Beatles recorded Sgt. Pepper on a 4-track??? 30+ years now (ouch, that *is* a long time, I'm getting *old*! :) ). Now we have 17 year old kids recording their 48-track opus' using a $200 piece of software and a $100 mic...and the sad thing is, considering their experience, they don't sound all *that* bad.

Times, they are a-changin'... :(

Fri, 06/07/2002 - 09:56 Permalink