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Tube/Valve compressor

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Submitted by chips on


in my home studio, I am ready to take the leap from using compressor plugins to buying a decent 2 channel tube/valve hardware compressor.

I have around £500 ($1000) to spend and need something that would be a good allrounder (vox, bass, drums, guitars). Something that is also ok to run stereo mixes through would be an advantage.

I currently have a bunch of standard mic's (SM57's 58's, AKGD112) and one Neumann M149. I am running Cubase SX.

Does anyone have any good tips on which compressors I should be looking at. Doesnt matter whether they would be new or from e-bay.




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I would wait until you had another $500 to a $1000 because that opens up some more possibilities for you. It's also a purchase you are more likely to keep for the long haul rather than getting something mediocre. I would rather spend 2 g's on something solid than 1 g on something I won't really appreciate for the long haul.

I would get over the need for a Tube/Valve compressor. Most of the noted pro models are way out of your price range. For around $1500 you can get the new Rupert Neve Designs stereo compressor. I haven't used it yet ( i will be taking one for testing soon) but I have heard many great things about it so far.

You may also want to consider getting a single channel now and buying a second of the same unit when you have more dough. Some great single channel options to considerl Purple MC77, Daking FET II. If you had a lunch box you could get an API 525 for about $1000. Those are some options I would be looking.

Good Luck in your search

Sat, 06/02/2007 - 14:07 Permalink