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Hi there. I've been recording bass guitar using a bass pod for ages and have grown sick of it! I record big, dirty sounding bass primarily. I'm looking into buying a mid-range amp for my bass, but am wondering - in your experience, is it best to D.I. bass or use an amp? I know this one tends to split people but I'd love some input please!



BobRogers Thu, 12/03/2009 - 06:00

DI for me. It's hard to make a bass sound good in a small room, especially if you are getting an amp designed for a bigger room. The main design goal for a bass amp is power - not what you need to move a microphone diaphragm.

Before you go spending money, experiment with all of the direct inputs in the preamps that you already own. You may be surprised.

anonymous Thu, 12/03/2009 - 08:02

Also DI for me.

It can take a lot of time / effort to get a good sound from mic'ing a bass cab, even if you have a great room (I don't). DI is a lot easier, and the results are solid, often better. Given no time restraints and a good space, I would record both mic and DI and probably mix them. But as much as I love a good bass tone (I am primarily a bassist) I can be hard to discern much difference in many final mixes.

natural Thu, 12/03/2009 - 09:15

And I do both.
The amp by itself rarely sounds better than the DI, But the DI can sound a little sterile especially if you're trying to do something aggressive. So I use the DI to split the signal, and blend the amp and DI together. But the amp does need to sound decent otherwise the effort is futile.

Kev Thu, 12/03/2009 - 13:27

I too do both
and the amp is hard to get sweet but worth it when you do

DI is very usable in the mix with less efforts

It all starts with the bass guitar and the fingers

The amp can be used for special bits and effect bits
use it in short busts and mix in when you need to say something
automate the mix

practice the mix tricks .. eq and comp

when you mix both together try filtering the very low from the amp and let the low waves of the DI to dominate

sometimes all you want from the bass is the low drone
I know bass players want the fingers and picks and strings edges etc
but often there is no room with other guitars and vocals and keys etc

it can't all be lead at once
let eh bass pop through for short runs and notes
once the seed is planted in the listener ... you can squash the upper tones and the listener will still follow without hearing ... ???
yeah I know ... weird

BobRogers Fri, 12/04/2009 - 12:01

Another big question - how deeply have you explored the settings on your Bass POD? Which version is it? Have you edited the settings on the computer? There is a lot of flexibility in the deep editing features of the POD. Make sure you explore it before spending money.

Just for the record, I use a Bass Pod XTPro almost exclusively for recording. I've been able to find a couple of tones that work well with my rig, but I'm going for an old school R&B P-bass with flats through a B-15 vibe.

anonymous Fri, 12/04/2009 - 19:55

So what's generally considered a mediocre amp? I play through an Ampeg SVT3-PRO, which has a direct out that's switchable pre/post EQ. I've has success with getting a great sound from the direct out as opposed to a D6 on the cabinet, a 410HLF (ported)

For live shows I switch to pre EQ, as my live sound typically isn't the best for printing, and for studio use I switch to post EQ to tailor my sound a bit.

Is this generally acceptable, or am I fooling myself in thinking that my amp is affecting my overall DI tone? (save for the tube pre)

soundfarm1 Sun, 12/27/2009 - 20:42

sorta both

I have had very good luck recording with a good quality active DI or pre, So I would recommend starting there as others have already pointed out. This is a must (IMHO). However, I can say I have also had surprisingly good luck applying the Ampeg SVX plugin from IK Multimedia. Been able to get some really good tones with it and saved me the hassle of trying to mic up an amp in my cruddy little hobbit size room.


anonymous Wed, 12/30/2009 - 06:35

Re: sorta both

soundfarm1 wrote: I have had very good luck recording with a good quality active DI or pre, So I would recommend starting there as others have already pointed out. This is a must (IMHO). However, I can say I have also had surprisingly good luck applying the Ampeg SVX plugin from IK Multimedia. Been able to get some really good tones with it and saved me the hassle of trying to mic up an amp in my cruddy little hobbit size room.


I've had great success with this plug-in as well. I either use a DI or the pre-amp out on the bass amp into my audio interface.

Davedog Wed, 12/30/2009 - 09:00

Dedicated bass pres? Or mic pres with a DI option?

There are four really really good bass preamps that I know well. They are all KILLER instant great bass sounds and they are those sounds you hear on most great recordings.

SWR Interstellar Overdrive. IMHO THE BEST! Tubes....Fender based tone stack...this is what bass sounds like. Alembic. A close tie for first place. Demeter. Great bass pre. Conrad. Yes, my friend Conrad builds a bass pre based on the preamp section of the Sunn 200S head of the 60's. It is KILLER and is also tied for first place.

I dont know how much money that your budget quote translates to in dollars, but you'll have to find these online. The SWR isnt made any more. The Conrad is about $700 usd. Look it up on his site. I think will get you there. The Demeter is on their website too and of course the Alembic stuff is still available and is the most expensive of the lot.

There are lots of other options such as a micpre with DI inputs. Very good sounding stuff there. Research research research.

Dreww Wed, 03/09/2011 - 19:18

Tube Bass Pre

In the studio I use an Alembic F-1X tube bass preamp and use a direct signal from that and blend it with one or two mics on a cabinet (usually a 421 and/or beta 52). I love the F-1X and would recommend it, a used one runs around $600 however but worth the investment. There is a used one on right now actually, that's where I get all of my bass gear. I also like Demeter pres I just haven't used them as much as my Alembic. I have used only DI in recording bass before and have gotten perfectly good signals but now I always record with both DI and mics on the cabinet and blend them together. There's just something missing when only using DI. The character of a speaker can really make a difference in a lot of cases.

GZsound Thu, 03/10/2011 - 15:55

monkeytastic, post: 296917 wrote: I'm now looking into the preamp options, but am hitting a brick wall trying to research them online. Could anyone recommend a decent preamp (tube would be nice)? My budget is ideally £400 ish but can now be stretched a bit if called for

I would suggest an active DI like the LR Baggs Para DI or Fishman Pro EQ DI. Both run on phantom power, have tone controls and volume controls.

I spend some time with my LR Baggs unit in getting the perfect bass tone, then run the bass through a compressor to smooth it out. But having that variable tone control and volume is really the trick. With most DI's, if you don't like the tone, tough..there is no fix. The LR Baggs Para DI is a wonderful unit for bass or acoustic instruments.