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i have a pair of event 20/20 monitors and i am hoping that i could get some recommendations for a power amp for them. i am buying several items right now and i am looking to get something adequate in the $200, new or used, range that would work until until i can upgrade (monitors and amp). i know that the nominal impedence is 4 ohms and 150 watts programable and 200 watts peak. I will be using them in a 12*10 room or a 25*20 room and am not sure if i need a amp that will pump out 150-200 watts to get a accuarate representation of recorded sound or if i can get away with something that has less power. also, if anyone has any experience with these monitors and could give me the good, bad, or ugly on the i would really appreciate it as well. thanks :p:

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Ammitsboel Wed, 12/03/2003 - 23:04

I would say you can't get an amp(new/used) that plays acurate for $200 !!

Why buy an amp now and then trough it away in a couple of weeks when you buy something better?!

Get an amp where you know you are on the right track, then you can always have it upgradet later on.
It will cost a litle bit more but in the long run you will have saved money...and ears ;)

anonymous Thu, 12/04/2003 - 19:30

thanks for the feedback henrick. it is much appreciated! the reason i need something to fill in for now is that i am putting together a studio in my home and will soon be needing to do a few demo's. i just don't have the money budgeted right now for a proper monitoring setup, but i have the monitors bought and need something to get me by. the sensitivity is 88db @ 1w.

Barkingdogstudios Fri, 12/05/2003 - 05:54


With sensitivity that low (JBL's for example are in the 94+ range) you're going to need a fair bit of power to get any volume or bass response out of them. Maybe a used high-current home audio amp is your best bet? NAD or the older Luxmans tended to have low Watt ratings but were high-current.

BTW I also use Event 20/20s but I have the bas models so I didn't need to get a power amp for them. I figured for the difference in price, the amp was paid for.


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