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DOLBY S: HELP ME I'm in deep trouble

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi everybody,

we recorded a few months ago some songs with an analog recorder with Dolby S.

We mixed yesterday but realized later that the dolby switch was turned OFF while we mixed (that explain the hiss) So now we ended up with mixes with hiss and hi end boost.

Do you think we can fix this properly at the mastering? Is someone know what are the frequencies boosted by the dolby s?




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David French

We had a [=""]similar discussion [/]="http://recording.or…"]similar discussion [/] in the Mastering Forum a little while ago about Dolby B.

Unfortunately, Dolby S is no simple EQ curve; ratehr is is a whole family of level-dependent curves.

Here's a [[url=http://="…"]spec sheet[/]="…"]spec sheet[/] from Dolby on Dolby S.

Good luck.

Sun, 08/14/2005 - 15:30 Permalink
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do yourself a favor and remix....

i cannot see a way of compensating for something as heavy as dolby s....

it's modulating the signal all over the place.... if it were a static boost of a freqency it is no problem compensating..... but compensating for dolby s would require a dolby s circuit!! or maybe a dynamic eq/comp on each channel......

i'm amzed that you didn't discover it in the process....

Mon, 08/15/2005 - 10:07 Permalink