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Boards of Canada mixing techniques anyone?

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Submitted by jjitter on

Hello all.

I was really interested in discussing boc's mixing, arranging techniques. From the how much compression to reverb, to their arranging techniques. How do they get such floaty drums out of a sampler? Are those loops or does it sound like a kit played? How is it so minimalistic, yet so full? Or any technique anyone wants to share? In my opinion they are master technicians. Love their bass and drum, sampling work.

Wanna start with a track called oscar see through red eye from campfire headphase? for e.g hear it on the headphones and the pans are so trippy. (and that tune and sample pan at 3:45!) very rarely you hear such beautiful 5 bar, 6 bar and 7 bar loops. Totally love that album.


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Sean G

You will find that nearly all the members here prefer recording real instruments in real time in real world scenarios as opposed to using samples and loops to create music.

About the only samples that most would use would be drum sampling to improve drum tracks.

Whilst I'm sure there are many forums dedicated to the use of samples and loops and electronic music on the web, here at RO you will find actual musicians and engineers who create from scratch rather than cut, copy and paste, so you may not get a great response to a thread about using loops and samples to create electronic music.

Don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for electronic music, but you won't find it a hot topic of conversation here on RO ;)


Sat, 05/07/2016 - 17:21 Permalink
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jjitter, post: 438388, member: 49846 wrote: I was really interested in discussing boc's mixing, arranging techniques. From the how much compression to reverb, to their arranging techniques. How do they get such floaty drums out of a sampler? Are those loops or does it sound like a kit played? How is it so minimalistic, yet so full?

I'm not familiar with BOC, so I can't be specific, though I can tell you that regardless of genre, it almost always comes down to time and learning, and lots and lots of listening and experimentation, making mistakes and learning from them, and committing successes to memory as well. Basically, like anything else we can eventually get good at, it really is all about "Practice, Practice, Practice"! ;)

Tue, 05/10/2016 - 13:07 Permalink