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Hi everybody. Sorry for my recent absence; my mom’s passing hit me much harder than I anticipated, and I ended up dealing with some pretty major depression issues...’s time for me to try and climb on the horse of life, and I thought I’d check in here and see how my other family has been. I’ve missed you guys. ;)


KurtFoster Fri, 09/14/2018 - 17:29

hey Donnie. i was wondering where you were. glad to see you back. i know how you feel with your Mom. it took me over 10 years of a LOT of booze and other things before i could deal with it but she (and i) were a lot younger. she was 49 and i was 27. i'm sure you will deal with it better than i did. i know it's no comfort now but it all gets easier as time passes. i here if you ever want an ear.

pcrecord Wed, 09/26/2018 - 08:23

Sorry I took time to write.
If you are like me, my passions always were my safety net. It could take a moment before returning to them after a hard time, but it always been my redemption path.
Thinking and reminessing never quite worked out for me.
When playing music, recording or doing photography, I simply stop thinking of the sad parts in my life and it's a great relief.

Glad you're back. Hope you'll be able to sit down and post some of your music and recording experiences again..
I'm always happy to hear from you !