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Submitted by anonymous on

Just did a session where the drummer played very lightly and I could not get a good snare or kick sound. Anyone have any experiance with Drumagog or some other program to replace or add to the existing sound? If so how'd it go and what program where you using. I normally get nice sounds and am opposed to triggering BUT every now and then I get a drummer that I cant record well. Does the drumagog sound REAL? Will a drummer be able to listen to his tracks (in a full mix) and say "No man I hear that plugin and it sounds like a drum machine" Thanks for your help as always guys.




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Yeah, you can use your own samples (even multiple samples per velocity layer) with Drumagog. I believe there's a download that works for two weeks and is fully functional if you want to see what it can do.

I don't compress the incoming audio track - I just feed it as-is into Drumagog and then process the outgoing audio like I would a normal drum track. In fact, I think compressing before triggering might cause some problems with bleed retriggering as well, but that's just in my limited experience.

If it's necessary, I find it easy to slap a volume envelope onto the incoming audio and "bump" up the amplitude of ghost notes so that they trigger as well. (There's a corresponding volume drop so that the ghost notes exit at the correct volume level). And on the opposite side, the volume envelope can be used to squelch overzealous bleed so that it doesn't retrigger.

It's DXi.

Mon, 10/20/2003 - 10:33 Permalink
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Another thing you can do is additional variations and have it choose randomly. But yeah making your own samples with several velocity layers and using the same drums set in the same room is definately best if you want a more realistic sound that blends well with the original, especially the overheads (you can't very well use drumagog from overheads tracks)

Mon, 10/20/2003 - 11:27 Permalink
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Downloaded and installed demo just now. So far it sounds OK. It only has THe DW Edge and Yamaha Kick (plus a techno sample of each) THe DW sounds real bright and thin. Much unlike the real drum does. Also the snare has a funny hi end sound on some of the hits. I'm still playing with it, it may very well blow me away in the end. Does anyone know if the "real" version of Drumagog comes with more samples? If it does then this might be worth the $150. Ok, off to figure out how to duck the overheads then sample some of my better sounding snares. CHEERS


Mon, 10/20/2003 - 12:26 Permalink
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Hey Jason, good to another Austinite here!!

I love Druaggog. Use it whenever I need.

One trick is to get some clean samples at each session you do. Each drum, different volumes and attacks. Don't just get the close mics either, use the rooms asnd OHs too.

If you record most of your drums in the same room (as I do here) it makes it easier later if your samples are from the same room. Better yet, have a drummer come over with a great sounding snare and/or kick and spens an hour or so making your own samples.....


Mon, 10/20/2003 - 23:52 Permalink