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Does Logic Plugins work in Pro Tools on a Mac

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Submitted by anonymous on

Can i use all the awesome effects From logic in my Pro Tools program.



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It really shouldn't make much difference? If you have one program, Digital Performer? You still probably should have the other program, Pro Tools. It's only a couple hundred more bucks. Well, at least not much more than that. You'll spend a lot more money than this in your lifetime. You can't live without it. You know you want it. No single program is a one-stop shop. We all have more than one. And don't forget those updates & upgrades. You have to keep digging in your pockets, over & over again. But that's the fun of it. That wonderful audio addiction. The burning desire for new, better, more, never stops.

Pro Cools & Adobe Addiction user

Ms. Remy Ann David

Thu, 07/10/2008 - 00:06 Permalink
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AU (Audio Unit) plugins do not work in ProTools that requires a protocol like RTAS (Real Time Audio Suite). There are however plugins commercially available that come in all shapes VST, AU and RTAS so they can be used on any platform. If something comes shipped with Logic, then it probably won't work with ProTools and vice versa.

If you can somehow with both programs running interconnect digitally you can use reverbs or so from another program. If there's enough i/o on your Digidesign piece of hardware you could make it happen.

Thu, 07/10/2008 - 12:38 Permalink