Open question for anyone (plural) who's familiar with the new flex time editor in Logic 9 and has been around Logic for a few years:
I've been recently using the Flex editor to quantize live recorded drum tracks. I use the slicing mode, and it's usually being applied to about 7 or 8 tracks at one time. These tracks in my drum group are all locked for phase editing. After awhile, my Mac really starts to get bogged down displaying all those flex markers. I found out (tonight actually) that by hiding the drum tracks I don't really need to see, my Mac speeds back up and I can edit quickly again. To my surprise when I un-hid the hidden tracks they did not have the flex edits applied to them like I figured they would (since they are in phase lock).
That being said, I want to know two things. One: is there any easy way to delete all the flex markers I added that are no longer locked in phase with the hidden tracks. Two: is there an easy way to go about hiding some tracks while keeping them phase locked so my DAW doesn't slow down to 10 bpm?
Skip the "upgrade your Mac" comments because that's not an option right now. And I would think a 2 year old Core 2 duo iMac with 4 gigs of RAM could handle it. After all, I have no other issues within Logic.
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help!
I usually bounce in place after I flex, then I cant fatfinger th
I usually bounce in place after I flex, then I cant fatfinger the flex markers.
I do too, but Logic on my machine slows down incredibly bad when
I do too, but Logic on my machine slows down incredibly bad when doing multiple tracks, so I can't even get through an entire song. Anyone else run into this issue?
Have you tried freezing the tracks after you have flexed them?
Have you tried freezing the tracks after you have flexed them? I've found that freezing and hiding tracks helps with CPU load.
My $0.02
Freezing tracks really helps for MIDI stuff. After asking around
Freezing tracks really helps for MIDI stuff. After asking around and viewing a few tutorials I found that by chunking the tracks into sections of the song (intro, chorus, verse... etc) it really helps speed up Flex editing without having to bounce anything in place.