iknow this is old question, but i cant seem to find the info i need in the archieves. I'm currently shopping for portable recorder either analog or digital under the price, if possible, $500. ive been using analog for the range such as nagra, marantz pmd, and consumer grade cassette tape recorders. so now I'm thinking perhaps the M-Audio micro traker may work for the field recording work i do, but concerned it may not provide the range i want. any ideas or any suggestions will be very helpful. most recordings will be field work collecting natural ambiance for film and art projects. thanks for advice.
The Edirol R-09 looks interesting. Sort of along the same lines
The Edirol R-09 looks interesting. Sort of along the same lines as the MAudio.
Check out the stealthing people http://www.taperssection.com A
Check out the stealthing people
A lot of units in use there. My experience so far is that the low-priced units tend to have a lot of noise on the input. Too much for my use in classical recording, but then again I am probably very sensitive.