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Batting Around Concrete Walls?

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Submitted by Glide on


I am building a studio in our basement and was wondering what type of batting (or insulation) would be recommended around the concrete walls. Fortunately, I will be able to isolate this room from the entire house and it will have 9 foot ceilings. For the two studded walls you see below I will be using double sheet rock with green glue. Here is the sketch up model. The wall on the left and across the top is concrete. They are also framed and will have 1 layer of sheetrock. What would you recommend as insulation, or the best soundproofer between the studs on the concrete walls?



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Mass is your friend... the more of it the better.

For your two studded walls, I would be a bit more inclined to to do a double wall;

1. gypsum

2. gypsum

3. insulation filled stud wall

4. air gap

5. insulation filled stud wall

6. gypsum

7. gypsum

The truth is that you really won't get true isolation from the rest of the house unless you address flanking noise through the floors and ceiling. You will also have some noise abatement issues with the HVAC system.

As far as insulation on the concrete walls... What are you hoping to address? thermal or acoustic issues... or both?

If you are looking at acoustic issues, you have a one room studio, so there's some compromises to look at... small rooms need LOTS of bass trapping for flat response for mixing. Lots of bass trapping will have a tendency to skew a nice room flavor to the flat side for tracking purposes.

I would suggest getting over to the acoustic forum and also [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Rod Gervais' book[/]="…"]Rod Gervais' book[/]

Tue, 11/20/2007 - 05:07 Permalink
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Thanks Max - I have had Rod's book for about a year but cannot find anything in it concerning batting on concrete walls - try it youself....go back to the index and look up batting (page 318 btw). It isn't there.

It really is a very simple question which should be fairly easy for someone knowledgeable on the subject to answer. What would you put on a concrete studded wall between the studs? A batting material, or just plain insulation, or nothing.

Thx for the reply!

Tue, 11/20/2007 - 07:23 Permalink
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It's not a simple question.

What are you trying to achieve?... THAT's the correct question.

Are you needing to treat the space for thermal, acoustic or sound proofing reasons... or a combination?

As soon as you can answer that question, you will have your answer.

It might take styrofoam, batting, insulation, fiberboard, gypsum AND rigid fiberglass... it all depends on what YOUR priority is, and what kind of budget you have.

Tue, 11/20/2007 - 09:09 Permalink
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Glide wrote: I would say the major reason would be sound proofing

As Max pointed twice, MASS is the best "soundproofer", or better M-A-M, not the insulation.

Glide wrote: Thermally it actually stays very comfortable because it is below ground.

Are you sure about humidity and condensation?

Glide wrote: There will be 1 layer of sheetrock on it as indicated above

Why just one?

Glide wrote: and most of the acoustical treatment will be on that wall


Glide wrote: What would you put on a concrete studded wall between the studs?

Usually R13 or R19, or something with similar density.

BTW, your listening position (desk, monitors, chair) is 100% wrong

Tue, 11/20/2007 - 15:20 Permalink
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I agree with Groff... Loose the iso and go with drawing #1.

Now, about your concrete walls and absorbtion...

Looks like you intend on Room Within a Room, so IMHO, I think leaving a 1" air gap between the walls is going to dictate standard insulation between the studs to keep the insulation off that concrete.

You are likely to have condensation issues on the concrete walls. You are not going to want a mold farm behind the walls in that air gap, so you should look to some sort of vapor barrier treatment on the concrete... UGL DryLok comes to mind. Maybe then put a styrofoam insulation board over that. THEN, create your 1" airgap and proceed with your wall system.

It looks like you are already familiar with John Sayers site, but I'd pop over there and look at some of the basement treatments/construction methods. I would pay particular attention to studios in your same relative climate/geographic area.

Also, get on up to the acoustic's forum and see what else comes to light.

Wed, 11/21/2007 - 03:57 Permalink
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Thanks for the critiques!

Do you guys have any sketch-up models of your spaces with overhead views you could post? I would like to see what you have done also.

Also, does anyone know a moderator that could move this thread over to the acoustics forum? I thought it was more room construction based and that is why I posted it here.

Wed, 11/21/2007 - 05:25 Permalink
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PM the mods... I would ask for a copy to be moved and leave this thread here... but that's just me.

As far as a Sketchup... nope, no Sketchup drawings. I've got pdf's, otherwise, it's CAD drawings.

They're in the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.recordin…"]build thread[/]="http://www.recordin…"]build thread[/] over in acoustics. You can also hit my website.

The only thing I see as an issue with gnarr's verion is the displacement of the house's water heater and HVAC system... might be a bit more costly than your budget will allow.

Wed, 11/21/2007 - 06:25 Permalink