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Shure v. Sennheiser- Which Mics to get?

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Submitted by rkohli on


I'm planning on purchasing an mbox/pro tools rig, but I need help choosing which mics to buy.

I went to guitar center to just look around and decided to ask the guy which 2 mics he would recommend (I'm looking to spend around $100 per mic, one for guitar, one for vocals).

Instead of getting the "Oh you should definitely go w/the SM57/SM58" thing that one would expect, he said to go w/the Sennheiser mics that are priced around the same level. I don't remember the models of each, but perhaps someone here does.

SO, what should I do? Should I go with the Shures, or go w/the GC guy's advice? I wanted to ask him: "If the Sennheisers are better, then why aren't THEY the industry 'standards'?" But I didn't. Perhaps someone can answer that.

OR, if there are 2 other mics you would recommend, please feel free to do so.

I'll be recording pop punk/indie/metal music, so those are the styles I need the mic to serve.



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Well, not all Shure's/Sennheiser's are inustry standards. There are specific models within these brands that are, as you mention.

Dont they offer any listening in this shop?

Take your favorite guitar to the shop and have a listen.

It is hard to say anything, without having an idea of what you were presented with.

You're the buyer so you be the judge. :wink:

Sat, 06/26/2004 - 13:13 Permalink
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The $100 Sennheiser mic's are ok for what you pay. But the real truth is that the salesman makes more money profit wise than he does with the little profit made from a SM57 or SM58. Your instinct was right. The SM57 and SM58 have earned their way to be the standards that they are. If your dead set on only $200 bucks, then I'd get a SM57 and the Marshall 990/991 mic pac (2 mics - 1 pencil and one large) for $99. In fact this weekend that specific mic pack is $99 at Guitar Center for two packs giving you four cheap mics...

Sat, 06/26/2004 - 17:38 Permalink
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I have a SM57 and a Sennheiser MD 441 (an old one) and I like both of them. I also had a Sennheiser MD 421 which I stupidly sold (stupid stupid lol )....

You may get a Sennheiser 2nd handed on Ebay (they are cheaper in Europe since they are german).

For micing guitars I prefer the SM57 but for vocals I prefer the MD441 which has a dark sound.


Tue, 06/29/2004 - 22:36 Permalink