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NT-2A or NT-2000

Submitted by cfaalm on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 13:45

I am looking into a versatile LDC and run into the RODE line. My goal is to have a versatile mic that will do well on vocals and acoustic guitar. I also want the variable patterns.

The [=""]NT-2A[/]="http://www.rodemic…"]NT-2A[/] and the [[url=http://="http://www.rodemic…"]NT-2000[/]="http://www.rodemic…"]NT-2000[/] are similar mics except for the variable patterns and package of the NT-2000 which includes spider and case.

The real difference would be the switchable (2A) versus variable (2000) polar patterns.

What I want to know: Do these variable patterns on the NT-2000 hold any water? What is your take on this?

I can get a 2A for 275 including spider. The 2000 would cost 100 more and includes spider and case.

All help is welcome.

Also: I am not sure if this is posted in the right place. Considering the price I'd see this as budget gear.


cfaalm wrote: I was thinking of adding a second one eventually. Did you buy them as a pair?

I don't think it's necessary to specify a matched pair. The Rode QC seems to be sufficiently good that you get decent matching between any two production models from the same batch, which probably translates to being bought at the same time. Having said that, I bought mine at different times and I can't tell the difference between them, sonically speaking.

Tue, 04/28/2009 - 07:22 Permalink