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Heya I'm a little stuck on a few questions...

1. If a song has a tempo of 112 BPM, how long is one beat (in milliseconds)?

2. On a digitial delay, which parameter allows you to create multiple delays?

3. What type of dynamic processor triggers when the signal falls below the threshold? (is this one an expander?)

4. Why do we usually compress to tape?

5. Which part so a condenser mic needs "phantom power" (is this the capsule and pre-amp?)

Any help would be muchly appreciated!




Guest Wed, 04/17/2002 - 22:43

Well, Kiri, so nice to see you again. What a coincidence - I just finished answering these exact same questions in someone else's room. Oh, and their name was Kiri too! Amazing!

But while you're here, you might as well return the favor. You see, I'm wondering how Australians and New Zealanders get along? Is there a natural rivalry? To Aussies tell N.Z. jokes, and visa versa? Or do you all just ignore eachother?

I'm curious, because there seems to be some friction here between Australia and Canada. Or at least certain Australians and certain Canadians. Must be one of those Commonwealth things that we USA types can't understand. Well, just wondering.

And next time, pick one spot for your question, and don't 2bl post! ;)


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