I have been thinking about aquiring one of these from Fletcher. I am after a clean and trasparent channle strip and this seems to fit the bill.
But how does it sound in comparison to Avalon 737sp... which i dont really like except for bass DI (kinda expensive one at that!) and Millennia origin voice channel which really did not give me a major woody either given its price and adverse 'Hype'
Is the EQ 'broad' or surgical and how does it sound?
I want pre that is full yet transparent.. is this the ticket?
Is the compressor actually useful? the Avalon did not strike me as a great compressor and was too slow in attack and release.
opinions and experiences most welcome
I haven't had the opportunity to use one myself, but the rumors
I haven't had the opportunity to use one myself, but the rumors are it is incredible.
If Mercenary sells em, they will be good for sure... :)
If Mercenary sells em, they will be good for sure...