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High-end studio cables. What do you suggest?

Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/09/2005 - 11:19

I want to upgrade the cables linking my hardware in my studio. Mainly, I need MtoF XLR cables connecting my preamps to my Firepod. I want to keep my sound clean and pure. What cables do you suggest? Any links?


I've always had a hard time believing there is much difference between cables.

If it was me, I'd just make sure the connectors were of good quality(Some brand name, maybe? Switchcraft/Amphenol, whatever.) and that the cable itself and the workmanship "seemed" good(Pretty obvious.).

Hossa makes short cables, available at many music stores... ProCo, maybe? Good stuff - not expensive, but I find that no object...


Thu, 06/09/2005 - 11:29 Permalink

I think it makes sense to take a middle-of-the-road approach with cables. Don't get the cheapest stuff like Hosa off the rack at your local Guitar Center, and don't get sucked into the $100+ per foot audiophile "voodoo science" cables either. Wire is just wire, but the shielding matters, and connector hardware quality matters. I don't want to worry about cable being the weak link between two or three very expensive pieces of hardware, especially at the very front end of the signal chain ahead of the A/D converters.

Anyway, I have my current home studio wired with Monster cables. It's a little overpriced for what it is, but at least the connectors are decent quality and it's easy to find everywhere. If I was doing it over again, or had to wire a new studio from scratch, I'd probably roll my own with bulk Mogami cable and Neutrik connectors, so I could get custom (shortest possible) lengths on everything.

Thu, 06/09/2005 - 12:23 Permalink

IMO there are basically 3 types of cables...
1st the cheap cables= cheap sound
2nd the basic run of the mill cable= decent sound
3rd the best cable= best sound possible
So maybe you could look at it that way, and maybe that can help you decide how much money you want to spend on cables.
Do you care if it's cheap sound? If the answer is NO
Then go with the cheap stuff. (I say steer clear of cheap cables)
Or if you just want a decent sound, then go with the 2nd choice.
But if you want the cables to last a long time and you want to get the best sound possible. I suggest getting the Monster cables or even better the Magomi cables.
My 2 cents

Sat, 06/11/2005 - 03:42 Permalink

HansAm wrote: Monster is BS. Over priced cables with a cool name.

I have to agree Monster is overpriced. They got me for many and many hundreds of $$$$$.
But their cables are NOT BS. They are good quality cables.
The Mogami cables have a more in depth scientific view on the research and devolopment of their product. There are less eddie currents on the Mogami cables, and they use oxygen reduced copper, and they don't need to advertise, "with a cool name" like HansAm said.
Because they are the industry standard worldwide. Mogami is used in virtually 95% of your big time studios, names like Universal Arts, Electra Records, Sony Records, you name it.
Mogami is owned by Marshall ...ever heard of those guys? :D
If you make your own cables MrBrownStone. You can use Mogami 2549 and Gold tipped Neutrik connectors (the best connectors out there) and still save a furtune. I did. And I got all my stuff from RedCo dot com

Sun, 06/12/2005 - 05:45 Permalink

Hey all, I've had great success with Neutrik connectors / Canare Cable. Sounds nice and priced reasonably. I would suggest to check the soldering connections before buying (if you're buying a premade that is)... and don't assume it's right (solid soldering) without checking.
Making your own cables is another way, and is more fun than fleshing out for premades :)

Sun, 06/12/2005 - 06:55 Permalink