Hello all,
I have no experience with recording at all beyond Audacity and a computer microphone, which yields these results - http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/beachboy4231/
I'm still in high school... and looking to spend a small amount of money on a microphone to improve recording quality... to get rid of some of that background hiss.
A quick look online and seems a USB mic designed with recording in mind might work, but is that a waste of money? Something like this - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001AIQGUO/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=A2IFYT7JVWTGRN&v=glance
I will be using the mic basically just for recording acoustic/electric songs for the memory/sharing with a few friends, nothing serious.
Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
Adding to the already good advice - yes, get the Shure SM57 or
Adding to the already good advice -
yes, get the Shure SM57 or 58
Also, consider a good, cheap external interface. M-Audio, Presonus and Focusrite and a few others make great, inexpensive interface/soundcards that will help. Sadly, for all practical purposes, you can't just plug a good mic into your existing sound card.
You are definitely going to want to look into an interface as me
You are definitely going to want to look into an interface as mentioned twice before in this very thread. I have made some comparison clips comparing internal soundcard quality audio with the audio quality of an entry-level interface. I believe the results are self explanatory. A little bit of money goes a long way. Don't trust me though, see for yourself.
As for a mic for recording electric guitar its a toss up between an SM57 and an Audix i5. I own them both and use them both for different reasons. Both great mics.
Yes USB for recording music is a waste of money...if you want to
Yes USB for recording music is a waste of money...if you want to podcast or YouTube or audio for videos from your iPhone fine....but not for recording guitars and/or vocals.
Do you have an interface for your computer into audacity or are you going into a mic connector on a computer sound card?
A small 2-4 channel computer interface with balanced mic inputs works the best.....and BTW makes a great high quality sound card replacement for all your MP3's and music playback than most of the stuff sold for computers on a card...
$95-$99 will get you either a Shure SM57 (best bet) great for all sorts of stuff or a Shure SM58 which is also good for all sorts of things and vocals. It is a real microphone, made by a real microphone company....