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Message for hueseph

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Submitted by llatht on

A couple of weeks ago you told me to check out the UAD-1, and you also said to watch out when buying one on ebay. boy were you ever right!

I thought I was getting a great deal when I purchased a card with $1250 of premium plugs for $350. The card was shipped very fast and when I installed it I was really exited. It was one of the Mackie versions that also comes with the LA-2A and 1176. Only problem was all the other premium plugs besides those two didn't work. I contacted the seller and he told me he sent me an 'authorization file' so they would work. I still didn't understand what he was telling me to do so I called up UAD tech support (great support by the way) and found-out what he was doing was illigal. He didn't transfer any plugs to my account, he just sent me illigal authorization codes so I could use them. That way he could just keep offering the same deal to everyone else.

I contacted the seller again and told him if he didn't refund my money I was going to report him to ebay, and he agreed. I can't say I wasn't tempted to use the authorization codes, but in the end it's stealing no matter how you look at it.

I did end up getting another Mackie UAD-1 though. I really like it. The LA-2A model sounds a lot better on my vocals than what I was using before, and the reverb is better too. Anyway, I'm glad it worked out the way it did and I thought it might be a semi-interesting story too tell.

Thanks again for the advice and suggestions.



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Way to go huseph, avoid the ebait.

I do too, however sometimes there are items there that you simply cannot find anywhere else.

Please don't laugh, a good friend of mine and I both got the ancient Mackie UltraMix there, we plan on utilizing them in the analog chain for mixdown.

I know its going to be a bit of work, should be interesting. At least the ultramix controller works wonders for mixing/controlling midi.


You may want to contact ebay directly about the issue instead of UAD.

Be sure that if your going to do that do it after your feedback from that seller has been taken care of, otherwise he may leave a negative.

Thats one thing I don't think is right about ebay, feedback is a double edged sword.

IMHO, I think feedback would be for the buyer. Sellers should have less priority since they can back stab.

Anyway, I totally agree with jg49, this guy should be put out of his evilbay practice, its bad for the developer for sure!

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 09:09 Permalink