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Unwanted wierdness on vocal

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi and hello to everyone, nice to be here.

I keep getting a strange high-endsound whilst recording vocals.

The mics are an SE11A and an SE Z5600A11 going straight into a Mackie

Onyx 1620. Level is at 0db and no effects in the chain and about 8-10 inches off the mics.

Anyone recognize what I'm doing wrong?



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That high-end sound is your hearing. What you are hearing is because you have upped your headphones too loud and hearing the actual resonance in the bathroom that you're singing in.

The concept on seeing on two different microphones is so that your engineer can get a quality sound from someone that doesn't understand how to work a microphone. So he is working electronically for you.

Large diaphragms versus small diaphragms largely has to do with the tonality of your voice, whether you are on or off axis to the capsule, how much money you got, how many different microphones you got, how your engineer likes to engineer. I generally don't bother. It really depends on whom I'm working with.

Don't sweat the sound. That's for your engineer.

His Remy Ann David

Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:27 Permalink
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Both mics are from sE Electronics. I don't know about the second one but the first one is a large diaphragm tube mic.

Getting closer to the mic is all about proximity effect. Bass frequencies don't travel as far and as easily as higher frequencies. So the closer you are to the mic, the more bottom end you will get. Generally standing 6-12" from the mic is fine but you're voice isn't particularly bottom heavy. Bringing your voice closer to the mic would help give it some body.

Sat, 12/13/2008 - 14:01 Permalink
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This is going to be really lame because I can't pull up your tracks but it you're hearing a "zoing" as you pass through certain notes, your room is picking up a resonance.

You don't want to pad every wall but two bare walls facing each other, at normal room dimensions, will zoing somewhere in the frequency spectrum.

Go to the thrift store, get a fat fluffy quilt blanket for $7.00, and experiment with covering this wall area or that one until you find the culprit. Space the blanket two or four inches from the wall; it'll work better that way.


Sun, 01/11/2009 - 16:27 Permalink
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I was going to say we have a lot of heavy blankets on our beds here in the cold latitudes but you're in a pretty cold place yourself.

An artifact of the pre-crash consumer frenzy in the US is that now the contributed-inventory charity thrift stores are piled to the ceilings with barely-used items, mostly of cloth. You can pad a room with tasteful bedcoverings for the price of a week's lunches.

I hate cold weather but the alternative is to live in the South.

Sat, 01/24/2009 - 18:31 Permalink