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BFD Users! Question..

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Submitted by anonymous on

To all of you who use BFD --

I'm really interested in purchasing it, but I had a question first.

After you're done programming the drums for a song, can u record each sound seperately into Pro Tools?

Like... Kick seperate, Snare, Hi Hats, stc.

Or does it have to be recorded into Pro Tools as one stereo track?

It was just a concern because I like having more control over each individual instrument.




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Hi Jason,

It depends which version of protools you are using, I am still on 6.4 but I think multi-outputs from BFD is only available from 6.9 But even with 6.4, you always can record each part on separate tracks by using the solo and/or mute buttons. It takes just a little more time but it still very useful for mixing....


Sun, 12/04/2005 - 13:19 Permalink
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There are three version of the plug (and three corresponding modes when running BFD via rewire): either a stereo out version which mixes the whole kit internally, a "groups" version which has 4 stereo outs with the close mics routed to the first, the overheads to the second, the room mics to the third, and the PZMs (extra room mics) to the final one.. or there is the all-outputs version:

1. Overheads L

2. Overheads R

3. Room L

4. Room R

5. PZM L

6. PZM R

7. Kick (in)

8. Kick (out)

9. Snare (Bot)

10. Snare (Top)

11. Hats

12. Tom Floor

13. Tom Mid

14. Tom High

15. Cymbal 1

16. Cymbal 2

17. Cymbal 3

Its the closest you can get to a real mic'ed drummer as far as I am aware 8)

Sun, 12/04/2005 - 18:04 Permalink
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that's true but if you want to use the RTAS version inside protools with stereo out (you can't use the other version with you protools version, except if you use the rewire version) you can't mute the different drums in the overhead or room or PZM but when you record a real drummer, you can't separate the drums in the room mics too....

Mon, 12/05/2005 - 01:47 Permalink
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BFD at least will work, I am now on a dual G5 with 3,5 giga of ram but a few month ago, I was using it with a single G4 733 Mb and it worked already....but if you have 6.4, as I told you before you can't use multiple outputs with the RTAS version of BFD, with the rewire version you can but I don't know if it works properly...what I do when I have finished the drums programming is to separate all the midi information on seperate tracks (splitting midi notes) in order to mute or solo the different midi informations corresponding to each drum, then I assign the track with BFD (in RTAS) to one stereo bus and then record the different drums on separate audio tracks (each drum mic or room or overheads mics at each pass of the song in realtime) You can also use the mute or solo buttons in the mixer of BFD but then all the drums will be present in the room, overheads and PZM is easy and not too long to achieve (except if the song duration is 30 min. but it usually don't :) I never used DFHS but I read a lot of good comments about it, maybe one of my next drums sounds purchase.....

Tue, 12/06/2005 - 02:26 Permalink
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well just mute..the tracks you don't want and start recording on pro tools... there is like a rewire thing or may rtas thing it ataches with pro tools long time i don't remember... cuz i don't use BFD anymore i record drums live now its fun man. live much to learn and discover every time you record.... but the new Nuendo 3 it has rewire option too you can try that one too if you don't have pro tools.... but with pro tools if its on a aux track you are using bfd via rewire...just send the signal through bus to an audio track and print it on that...there you go i guess i tried to be as simpel as possible....

hope that works out for you

Wed, 12/07/2005 - 00:36 Permalink
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well just mute..the tracks you don't want and start recording on pro tools... there is like a rewire thing or may rtas thing it ataches with pro tools long time i don't remember... cuz i don't use BFD anymore i record drums live now its fun man. live much to learn and discover every time you record.... but the new Nuendo 3 it has rewire option too you can try that one too if you don't have pro tools.... but with pro tools if its on a aux track you are using bfd via rewire...just send the signal through bus to an audio track and print it on that...there you go i guess i tried to be as simpel as possible.... i used p4 3.2 3 ghz ram and scsi with my pro tools cuz with LE man it sucks and it sucks so much processing..cuz its cpu based processing man...

hope that works out for you

Wed, 12/07/2005 - 00:37 Permalink