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Submitted by JayTerrance on

I recently moved into a new control room and decided to re-mix a some of the songs that I wrote a few years ago. I am wondering how this new room I'm in is translating. Me and 3 other great friends doing a song I entitled as "Moon Over Crystal"

Please let me know of any comments you have on the mix and whether my new room is feeding back the right info to me.

Thank You. Jay.


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MOCTrial 1.mp3 (7.2 MB) 



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I like this but I feel the guitar as the lead instrument is a bit too lost in with the piano - I'd like to hear it stepped out front a bit either by rolling back the piano or using EQ to separate them a bit more. As this mix it almost feels to me that it's waiting for a vocal to take the lead. As the song nears the end I really want to hear that piano rolled back - it pops too much.

Thu, 07/21/2016 - 13:11 Permalink
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JayTerrance, post: 440105, member: 49019 wrote: Thanks Boulder. Indeed. By design I did push that area very hard. Would you say that in your listening environment the 400 push came across as "blatant" or as "subtle"?

Thank You, Jay.

I think part of it is that the piano sounds high-passed at 100Hz and a bit too prominent around 3kHz, rather thin, while the drums sound super crisp above 6kHz and the kick is unusually clicky for jazz. The tonal balances of each individual instrument seem atypical so it's hard to tell if the guitar is too prominent in the 400Hz range of if it's the comparison with the other tracks that's making me hear it like that.

Fri, 07/22/2016 - 09:41 Permalink
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Sean G

@bouldersound is spot on...the piano sounds a little thin...IMO you ideally want to cut around that 1-3 khz range on the piano track to remove the tinny effect.

The guitar has a nice warm jazz tone to it. Maybe you can sweep around the 3k mark to add some clarity but personally I think its got a nice Lester Polfuss sound about it... If it were me mixing this track I wouldn't touch it, its got that lovely, warm, dulcet tone...but thats' just me, I like it like that, the early sound of a Les Paul in its pure, natural, unadulterated, untampered with state.

As for the kick, it sounds all too modern, almost clicky like a metal kick...I would look at sweeping that 2-5k area on the kick and notching to remove that click, round it out and make it more in line with the feel of the tracks' classic late 50's era jazz persona. I'd go a low shelving boost at 80-100khz to add a little body to the kick. Think of those jazz bass drums from the era...cats like Gene Krupa played 26 inch bass drums, which are hard to emulate with modern kits with todays' smaller bass drums when you want that deep, rich bass drum sound. Thats' the sound you really want to capture to create an authenticity.

The classic jazz sound from the 50's captures that warm valve sound that was synonymous with the time also...which sometimes is hard to recreate in the digital realm which can have a very clinical and cold feel in comparison, especially when not using tube pre's and tube amps IMO, although the guitar track here has a nice warm tone to it that I personally do like. :D

Completely subjective of course...YMMV ;)

Fri, 07/22/2016 - 11:40 Permalink