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Need help with Cubase Le 5

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Submitted by maliscass on

I do recording with Tascam's Cubase Le 5, but I can't figure out how to use the absolute timing feature, or whatever it's called on this. I can only select using the counts, not wherever I need to place the marker. Does anyone know how to fix this?



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I still am not understanding what you are asking man. Select what part of the vocal for what type of editing? Can only select between counts? What is it you are calling the marker? The Locators? You can move any 'event' or part of any audio file wherever you want to edit as you please.

I think it would be best for you to find the correct terms as related to Cubase from the manual so we can understand each other.

No offense man, I just don't understand what you are asking with these terms. :(

Tue, 06/28/2011 - 17:20 Permalink