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Question about older Pro Tools Digi 001 setup

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Submitted by JLiRD808 on

I found this on craigslist:

It's pretty old I guess and after reading the specs I noticed that it doesn't even mention Windows XP. Will I even be able to install it? Do they even sell the upgrades from these earlier versions?

Is this even a good deal?



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I run a digi 001 on windows xp in one studio and i run a digi 002R in a mac based studio. obviously the digi 002 is newer, but would you believe it if i told you that its flakier than its much older predecessor? i blieve the Pci card in a digi 001 is much more reliable. I've got pro tools 6.7 on both. on the other hand, very little support left for th 001 so you will eventually have to change to a 002. I would never trade my 001 for an mbox, the input capacity alone is worth it.


Fri, 12/22/2006 - 13:16 Permalink