From your point of view, do you prefer mixing an acoustic or electronic drum kit? An acoustic kit might be more challenging and fun (mic choice, placement, mixing w/ gates, comps etc.), but an electronic kit removes stage noise and gives far more control over the overall mix. What do you think and have you had the opportunity to mix both?
I ask because I am a drummer and play an acoustic kit at church and use an electronic kit at home for practice and recording. I like both, but a lot of the nuances of cymbal color and other sounds cannot be had on an electronic set. They both have their advantages in both recording and live applications.
I prefer MIXING an electronic set. It's so easy even I can do i
I prefer MIXING an electronic set. It's so easy even I can do it and I'm no good at this.
But, oh, the sound of a real drumset being played by a real drummer. There is (still) no comparison.
E kits are fun but when a drummer takes to an acoustic kit, it's
E kits are fun but when a drummer takes to an acoustic kit, it's an occassion - amplified. I wouldn't ever mix and E-kit live myself.
A good sounding, properly tuned and played acoustic kit will alw
A good sounding, properly tuned and played acoustic kit will always be my preference. I haven't heard an electronic kit that sounds right, and players often change patches for different songs. That may seem like a great idea, an 80s kit for 80s songs etc., but the levels vary like keyboard patches and they become a tonal moving target. Only when I get a snare and cymbal bashing idiot do I start thinking e-drums might be a good idea.
E-drums have some huge advantages. Complete control of stage vo
E-drums have some huge advantages. Complete control of stage volume and FOH volume. Never out to tune. Drummer never smacks a mic out of place. Smaller. Ligther. But of course they don't sound as good and are not the same to play. (Also, cheap ones fall apart, but that's close to the same for cheap acoustic drums.) Actually, in terms of sound the drums aren't all that bad - in fact, a lot of people like the cheesy electronic sounds. But I've never heard good sounding cymbals on an electronic set.