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Free Plugins that will work with Audacity?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Are there any free plugins that work for Audacity? If so, could you please post them



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I'm not sure what version you have, or what version is the most current....I just downloaded v.96 and there doesn't seem to be any provision for using 3rd party plug ins. I use Nero Wave Editor 2 which comes bundled with Nero Ultra 6, and it supports most plugs I use with Sonar (Dx and VST). The ony downside with Nero is it only supports 16 bit files, so not great as a mastering platform. I also use Acoustica, which supports 24 bit files and only costs $29, but it doesn't support all the plug ins that Nero does (only VST I think). Acoustica might be an option for you. Good luck.

Sat, 02/05/2005 - 15:53 Permalink