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8 ohms or 16?

Submitted by edaub1 on Fri, 07/24/2009 - 16:35

Im building an isolation cabinet to record guitars...I want to buy a 12" Celestion Greenback speaker for it. I have the option to buy it at 8 ohms or 16. What should I choose? Does it depend on the amp head?

I plan to run a couple different heads through it..



8 ohms is more common. Some things to consider:

-isolate the input jack from the speaker. Build a small box inside the speaker box, fill it with foam or insulation and seal it with epoxy or silicone otherwise the jack will be a major source of leakage.

-do the same for the mic output jack on the other side. Of course, before you seal either of these ends, you want to make sure all of the contacts have a very good connection and that there are no possibilities for shorts.

- if you can, try to use the same types of clasps that are used on a guitar case and use thick foam insulator like you would use on a door jam to ensure a good seal.

(yes, I've thought about this a lot. but thus far have settled for emulation)

Have fun and post some pics when you are done.

Fri, 07/24/2009 - 17:28 Permalink

gut feeling would be to have the 16 ohm

in addition to this I think you need a LOAD / Soak

something that can load the different Amp Heads the way you want and some circuitry to then drive the 16 ohms to different volume levels to suit your mic and the sound you want from the speaker.

might seem complicated but there is info out there and some commercial products you can take inspiration from

Sat, 07/25/2009 - 16:28 Permalink

edaub1 wrote: one more question: what do i need to hook up the speaker to an input jack im going to have on the box

Solder iron, solder and wire. Connect lug from tip of jack to + of speaker. Connect lug from ring of jack to - of speaker.

8 ohms is a good useful impedance. Just be careful with what amp you plug into it. Some amps are more forgiving of an impedance mismatch of one step higher or lower than its rated output impedance. Many Fenders can handle, say, an 8-ohm speaker connected to a 4-ohm output. Most Marshalls will not tolerate an impedance mismatch well at all.

Just be careful that whatever amp you use will be able to run that speaker. If you're not sure, do some research. If still not sure...ask. Don't risk frying an amp with an experiment.


Sun, 07/26/2009 - 10:45 Permalink

Your cabling will be extremely short. in that respect, 18 gauge zip cord would be quite adequate. On longer runs, I recommend 12 gauge Which is more than adequate.

Personally, I would have gone with the 16 ohm speaker fed from an amplifier designed for 8 ohms. Why? Because you'll have to push the amplifier harder which will give you more of the amplifiers characteristics sound at a lower output level. But, you got the 8.

How loud do you need this?
Mx. Remy Ann David

Sun, 07/26/2009 - 15:16 Permalink

well I did suggest the 16
and some extra bits to allow for options later
and to create more variety in amp tones

for speaker wires
I tend to use power cord for across the floor stuff
then pull the individual cores out for separate internals
that's a typical 10 amp 240Volt Australian power cable
and I don't know what you guys have at the local store

" 18 gauge zip cord .... 12 gauge .... " :? ... doesn;t mean much to us down under
we tend to talk mm cross-section are
" She'll be right mate "

Mon, 07/27/2009 - 01:19 Permalink