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SSS problem with Pro Tools

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Submitted by anonymous on

it might not even be with Pro Tools and just the external HD i have. and I'm not super saavy with computers. BUT! when i try and start a new session or open up a session saved on my external HD it won't open it.

for instance when i try and open a says "this session is saved on a volume set to 'transfer' only. if permitted set the volume(s) in question to playback or record inthe workspace."

and if i try and open a new say "it must be on an audio record volume"

I'm probably just an ass who cant figure out a simple problem so go easy on me haha.


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We've had this problem before but I can't remember how I fixed it - go look up playback volume on the DUC forum.

I think this is the fix - from the DUC:

Check drive designation in the Workspace window. To do this click on the "Window" menu in Pro Tools. Choose "Show Workspace". You will see all of your drives listed on the left side of the Workspace window - immediately to the right is a column labeled "A" and a letter for each drive. The letter for the drive you are using to store that session must be "R" if it is T or P click on the letter and select "Record" this will change the letter to R. If you are unable to change the volume designation this way you may need to backup the data on the drive and reinitialize the drive using the correct file system for your operating system.

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 16:09 Permalink
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I've had that happen to me too many friggin' times (4 people working on the same PT rig at different times of day, something's bound to happen), but everytime it happens I can never remember how to fix it for some stupid reason, too many drugs in the 80's I guess!

BTW, I've never had ANY OTHER audio software do such stupid crap to me. Vegas has never given me a blank look when I click a file, KWIM?

One of the many reasons I think PT is a POS.

Sun, 03/16/2008 - 16:14 Permalink
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I purchased an M-Box 2 about a year ago just so I could get my chops around ProTools. Yes, clunky is the word bent.

I mean it's just stupid when you start the program, you get a blank stare until you go up to, File, New Session, DUH, DUH. It's even worse that it doesn't quite understandable how to handle stereo sound files without splitting them to 2 Mono tracks. Didn't Disney start recording in stereo in the 1930s? And 70 years later people are still trying to figure it out. Funny how everybody figured out how to count up to 10?

I miss the sound of analog tape rewinding at 400 IPS

Ms. Remy Ann David

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 01:38 Permalink
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when i first fiddled around protools i went insane trying to figure out why i coudlnt get a stereo mix. so i though hrm maybe if i routed to a single stereo track and ill be dreams were shattered and my life ceased to be...then i figured out the bounce option. :X

now im a little wiser...not enough to be called wise. but still.

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 01:51 Permalink
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Yeah, I do not like PT, Sam I Am.

I really can't stand the input meters, I think they're lying to me.

But of course, I'm still using version 6.4 TDM - maybe that's my problem?

stereo sound files without splitting them to 2 Mono tracks.

Yeah, what's the deal with that?

We spent 7 grand on our PT rig and it can't even deal with stereo tracks?

I'll take Vegas any day, thank you!

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 06:32 Permalink
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Yeah, since I started with PT I don't have as many comparison issues, but a lot of little things are making me look at other programs. Which stereo quirk are you talking about Remy. When I drag several stereo tracks in from the workspace browser, the first one comes in as a stereo track and the rest come in as two mono tracks. Is is the same glitch for you? Strange. Anyway, right now I'm sniffing around Samplitude, Audition, and Vegas. I know I should quit bitchin' and record more songs but...

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 08:03 Permalink
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nothing wrong with 6.4

as for stereo tracks

PT is a multi-track recorder and player

an MTR90 plays a stereo track if two channels are recorded as a stereo pair

Time Domain Multiplexing TDM

not a sample player that can play single channel and multi channel files

soon there will complaints that they don't play 5.1 surround files natively without spliting

we can always go back to Premiere and Qbase times when 3 min waves files didn't take 3 minutes to play

each 3 min sample had a different end time

PT and Deck have always got that right

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 14:47 Permalink