18 February 2013
Anyone know the correct procedure for Demagnetizing heads on a Nakamichi cassette deck please?
I have the wand-type with rubber covered end.
Keep your tapes AWAY! lol number one step. you basically just m
Keep your tapes AWAY! lol number one step. you basically just make contact w/ any metal parts the wand can reach, i've never had to get more into than that. i think the standard recommendation is to de-mag about every 15min of play/rec time. i usually just do it at the start/finish of a session if i'm using tape.
That's what I used. Long time ago. :) In fact, I have it in my
That's what I used. Long time ago. :) In fact, I have it in my hand. I was just going through some old boxes. Isn't that the craziest!
Here is what Nak recommends: DM-10
[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Vintage Nakamichi Head Demagnetizer DM 10 for Reel to Reel or Cassette Decks | eBay[/]="…"]Vintage Nakamichi Head Demagnetizer DM 10 for Reel to Reel or Cassette Decks | eBay[/]
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