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help with setting up new system

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Submitted by Nutti on

Hi guys!

I'm a little worried about setting upsome new hardware in a tight schedule and need help...

I recently upgraded my computer and installed win7 32bit on it, but could not get my interface drivers to work properly (hercules 16/12fw). After 4 hours I got so mad that I ordered a new PreSonus firestudio project instead and threw out the herc. Now I'm going to reinstall win7 but this time with 64bit since the firestudio have drivers for 64bit witch the herc hadn't. I'm in a hurry to get everything working properly by the end of next week since I have a demo recording booked then.

I need to get some advice in witch bit and sample rate that would work and buffer. 48khz and 16bit? Buffer on 1024? What drivers should I use in cubase? Asio4all or does PreSonus have their own? With the old interface I used hercules own drivers witch worked great.

Some specs:

Cubase le4

I7 920 with hyperthreading turned of (read that it could cause clicking in cubase)

6gb ram

Win 7 64 bit (will be tweaked)

VIA pci firewire card

Hope I got all useful info written, if not, let me know...

Greetings from Finland!



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As I mentioned I just ordered a firestudio project a couple of days ago...I also checked their website and they still offers it in their product line here: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus | FireStudio Project[/]="http://www.presonus…"]PreSonus | FireStudio Project[/]

I did a search in this forum and found a thread from 2011 where one guy had installed presonus drivers first but then used asio4all to avoid clicks, he also had buffer set at 1024, thats why I mentioned those numbers and srivers since I would like to get it correctly installed as soon as I get the product.

Rather post correct answers than just telling me I'm wrong please, it helps alot more.


Wed, 04/03/2013 - 00:03 Permalink
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A buffer of 1024 is fine when you're mixing but will result in an insane amount of latency when you're tracking. I leave mine at 128 or sometimes 64 samples when tracking. I use the lowest possible buffer. You shouldn't experience a lot of issues with a brand new computer. Asio4All really isn't a good option. The other thread was likely due to a wrong setting in the DAW. If I am thinking of the right thread it was likely Sonar and the suggestion of ensuring that ASIO mode for the drivers was made. Whether the advice was taken or not is another thing. The hardware's drivers are almost always going to be better than Asio4all. Unless you are using the on board soundcard of course.

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 05:25 Permalink
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Before tweaking anything try using the default settings. Latency and clicking, comes from problems (mainly in drivers). Don't fix anything before having a problem...

Install windows and the updates but no antivirus, in fact no other software but those Daw related. Try to record and open older projects (one that has a lot of tracks and effects) If it works, don't touch it !! ;) If by any lack of chance, you have problems. Make sure the chipset and controler drivers are up to date. Start testing different drivers (try older versions audio and video) first.

That said, for the other question about sample rate. The higher you go, more information will be saved on your harddrive. Yes your projects will end in 16bit 44khz to be burned, but working in 24bit 96khz is an insurance of better quality and better headroom. If 24bit 96khz takes too much space or ressources, you can lower to 24bit 88khz or 44khz but keep it up until the mastering phase.

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 06:42 Permalink
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Thanks guys for the answers! Now I now what to set everything to when installing the firestudio. Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow so I can test it this weekend.

I came to think about one more question...if I get one more firestudio and daisy-chain them, will my computer put up with tracking 16channels at once with 24bit/96khz or would I neew more ram? I'm running the i7 at 3,2ghz and stick with that, ssd for os and cubase, a 500gb wd caviar black 7200rpm for tracking so the ram is the only thing I could think of upgrading. The i7 is actually the bottleneck if I check the windows coputer component ratings, but it's to expencive to upgrade at this point.

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 22:26 Permalink
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"Zero-latency monitoring via 18x10 DSP matrix mixer/router." thats what they claim, so buffer sizes shouldn't be an issue. i use a system that has direct monitoring, fed into a digital mxer w/ dsp cards, which if i'm geussing, (i mean guessing here), yours is probably a more compact, modern version of that. i wish i was more technically knowledgeable, but if your using a couple of interfaces that have they're own dsp, you should be fine, you could get 64 tracks out of your computer, probably pushing it a bit, but 16 would be fine. i had no trouble latency wise at a studio the other day that used the motu version of what your getting.

you just don't wanna track w/ plug-inswhen your using a system like that, cuz then latency comes into play, or if your just using direct monitoring, all the sudden you hear the plug-inswhen you play back.

6 gigs of ram, should easily be enough for anywhere from 16-32 raw tracks. i mean unless soft synths are involved, or video, or watever. just straight up tracks, your cpu should not break a sweat. but these things are all tweaky, so a little at a time. it's always interesting to me to see what kind of 'outa the box' performance the machine has, then try to narrow it down. if i can do 12 tracks w/ a 1.6 core duo at home, you'll be swimming in gold man.

something not adressed w/ your chipset yet is how much they vary in performance depending on temperature, i think theres a thread about it around here, but the gist i got from it all was they have to remain at their preferred temperature range, or they don't perform to they're fullest.

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 01:58 Permalink