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cable that goes between pedal,

Submitted by ksw850823 on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 23:19

i`m looking for cable that goes between your pedals? but has thin head?top? (sorry,don`t exactly know the word for it.)
Anyway i been looking for that kind of cable because i saw the picture somewhere online but it seems that GC or Musicians friend dosen`t carry them...or maybe i`m not typing the right words for it.

Can you give me a link?
or at least the name of the company ?




I have bought dozens of these type jumper cables from music stores all over the country, coiled, uncoiled, colored, black, right angled, straight in, even ones that are just two inserts welded together with no cable. You just were not able to describe what it was you were looking for. Try asking for patch cables or jumper cables for pedals. I know the big music stores get some real daydreaming (read stoned) help but still..........

Tue, 07/20/2010 - 14:55 Permalink