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Pro Tools or Other Systems ?

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Submitted by Divo on Fri, 04/18/2003 - 04:20

I have been trying to decide if I want to step into the Digidesign circle ( looks good on a business card ) or if I should mix and match for the sake of versatility, ( Cubase or similar with selection of appropriate hadware ). My questions are simple ones.
Will Pro Tools help me to do better work ?
Will clients care what I use if the finished product sounds good ?
Is digidesgn's hardware any better or worse than other commercial gear ?
Is it worth spending three times as much just to be able to say you use Protools? Does it make good business sense?


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Kurt Foster

Will protools help me to do better work ?

Will clients care what I use if the finished product sounds good ?

Is digidesgn's hardware any better or worse than other commercial gear ?

Is it worth spending three times as much just to be able to say you use Protools?

Does it make good business sense?

Divo, The answers to these questions are all subjective opinion.

I don't think that any particular workstation software/hardware can give one the ability to do better work. What appeals to one person turns the next one off. I have seen so many comments like, "This program is great' and then someone else says "I hate it!"

Some clients are going to demand Pro Tools. That's a fact. You need to asses your target client and decide, are they going to be moving these files to and from my studios to other "Big Time" studios? If the answer is yes then Pro Tools would be in order. So would a Mac.

My opinion is Pro Tools hardware is overpriced and performs below the level of much of the other hardware on the market. The Aardvark converters are much better IMO. So are Hammerfall as well as many others.

Using Pro Tools is a good thing if you need to move projects all around the world. It is a Professional standard. However if most of your projects are going to remain in house from start to mix and the clients you will be catering to are bands making albums and local work, then I would say it doesn't make much sense at all in any aspect to spend 3 times as much on a Pro Tools rig. There are a lot of other products that work just as well or even better available. It really all depends on what segment of the market you will be going for and who your clients will be. Kurt

Fri, 04/18/2003 - 11:37 Permalink
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Kurt Foster

Yep, I agree. it's absolutely a solution for deep pockets and facilities that have a high cash flow and need tax write offs. If you don't fall into those categories, a good Cubase or Nuendo system is a great alternative. I'm running Cubase 5.0 at 24 bits and I am very content. I’m not here to bash Pro Tools but it is an expensive way to fly.

With native powered systems it is important to have as fast of a computer with as much memory as you can possibly afford. More memory and high processor speeds result in more system headroom and therefore the ability to run more tracks with more plugs, instances of compressors, verbs and EQs. Spend a wad on the computer and then go from there. Either way your probably looking at upgrades every couple of years, but with a native system the expense is a lot less. Kurt

Fri, 04/18/2003 - 21:06 Permalink
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Kurt Foster wrote: Yep, I agree. it's absolutely a solution for deep pockets and facilities that have a high cash flow and need tax write offs. If you don't fall into those categories, a good Cubase or Nuendo system is a great alternative. I'm running Cubase 5.0 at 24 bits and I am very content. I’m not here to bash Pro Tools but it is an expensive way to fly.

what about a DELTA 1010 system to make almost professional sounding recordings instead of using a RME?!

Tue, 04/05/2005 - 15:05 Permalink