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PT|HD vs. . LE

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Submitted by osmuir on

ok, other than no tdm plugins and lower track counts, what is the difference?



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Pro Tools HD is a TDM system and LE is a native program. Pro Tools HD has extra cards to help your computer with the processing while Pro Tools LE doesn't. It runs strictly off the computing power of your computer. Pro Tools LE tracks can be loaded to Pro Tools HD but Pro Tools HD can't be loaded to Pro Tools LE. Pro Tools LE has no provision for smpte time code. That's about it. IMO "Pro Tolls" is ok if you're working in a huge operation that upgrades every year or two but it's an expensive proposition if you're buying a system for your own use or if your a small studio that has to justify and recoup expenses. The new 002 system looks nice though!....Fats


Sun, 10/20/2002 - 08:59 Permalink
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One of the main things missing for me is the Beat detective (It's used quite often to put back in time rythm parts) and the a-z shortcuts that I use all the time (shortcuts with one letter) . I have both Mix at the studio and LE at home . Still I'm setting up a small room in my studio that I'll probably equip with DIGI 002 . The price difference make it very attractive.

Sun, 10/20/2002 - 23:39 Permalink