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Drum headphones

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Submitted by anonymous on

What are some good headphones for my drummer to wear while recording? Preferably something $100 or under.


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I hate to come in with my Goodwill Version of headphones...

...but I'm going to...

I went to home depot and picked up some $15 industrial ear muffs, then took some decent Sony clip-on headphones that fit within the muffs cups, and wedged them inside the muffs where the rounded square shape of the muffs held in the round shape of the headphones inside. They may not have the best range, or sound, as the headphone mentioned above do, but for simple tracking. My little creation (it's an old idea, no doubt), worked for me, and it costs me way under $30.

Though, being a poor, pitiful college student, I take my cost cuts as much as possible...haha.

Well, hopefully I was some help, probably not, but it's here for the taking..

~Michael Zuehsow

Thu, 09/15/2005 - 10:15 Permalink