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exporting from digital performer ?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm using digital performer for a project. i've got a combination of MIDI tracks and recorded soundbites in the file. the MIDI stuff is going through a Kurzweil keyboard and the soundbites are being played back through a DigiDesign MBox. both of these are hooked up to a mixing board, so i can monitor both at the same time. (this is for a project at the school i attend - this is their setup).

so my question - is there a way to export from digital perfomer that will include both the soundbites and the MIDI stuff (and have the MIDI stuff sound like it does coming through the keyboard)?

i don't know too much about it so any help would be much appreciated. thanks.


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You have to render the midi to audio before you can export it- sorry but there is no way around that, other than making a midi file and sending it separate from audio- of course if you are going through a mixer you can mix down both your recorded audio and your midi audio to an external recorder. We used to do that all the times befor DAWs when we had limited tape tracks, play the midi files and the tape tracks, mix them through a board at the same time and render them to dat or 2 tracks (whatever we had in the dark ages, that is) :P

Wed, 12/01/2004 - 16:13 Permalink