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I am looking for isolating headphones for live calssical piano mic placement with as little bleeding as possible. So far I looked at AKG K171, Extreme Isolation Headphones, and Shure E2, E3. I could not find isolation level specs for Shure, though. Any other suggestions?
Price... I would like to stay within $200 region, if it is possible. If there is something that is a really major step up, then could go higher.



anonymous Mon, 04/05/2004 - 19:07

Sony V900s.
You can still find them on Ebay.
Some love 'em, others hate them but for isolation they're pretty good.
Go to any pro music or recording store with a favourite cd and try out all the closed back full over the ear headphones.
In ears are pretty good, but make sure you put a compressor on the feed to control any nasty and unexpected audio peaks.

anonymous Mon, 04/19/2004 - 09:57

Great Isolation phones

You might consider some Etymotic ER-4S "in the ear' phones. You can't get better isolation or sound quality in my opinion. I have a pair and they are VERY handy. You can sometimes find them on ebay for less than $200, but will pay around $225 if you shop around on the net. The sound quality is superb.


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