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Vintage Mastering

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Submitted by sneak on Mon, 09/06/2004 - 02:58

Hi There,

I'm looking for a mastering company with lots of (old) analog gear, tube and opto stuff for the mastering of a 16 tracks CD.


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For my money, I'd go to Doug Sax at the Mastering Lab in Hollywood. Miles above everyone else, period. Everything is custom in his room and his approach is very old school, vinyl style A/B mastering. What this means is that your analog master has to be sequenced, edited and ready to go. He runs your master and makes scripted changes live to digital master. Ain't nothin' like it.

If Doug is out of the question, feel free to come by Sony, I have a lot of unique, high end tube gear that might interest you. Gratis test EQ if you'd like.

Tue, 09/07/2004 - 06:23 Permalink
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joe lambert

Most high end mastering rooms are based around high quality analog gear.
If your interested check out my website. You will find very fine analog/tube gear. Avalon, Manley, Prism, Maselec. Custom tube line amplifiers as well as a beautiful refurbished ATR half inch and quarter inch tape deck. I regularly run artists mixes that have been done completely in the digital world through the ATR to tape to get that transformer warmth.
Many artists come to me with this thought process. This kind of gear is a step in the proper direction to get the results they're looking for. But the execution of the mastering engineer will ultimately determine the amount of success.

Tue, 09/07/2004 - 07:42 Permalink