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SoundToys plate verb plug, free until 11/22

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on

SoundToys is offering their "little plate" reverb plugin - both 32 and 64 bit versions - for free until November 22, 2017.

Both PC and Mac versions are available.

I haven't used it yet so I can't comment on it.




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Tony Carpenter

DonnyThompson, post: 454059, member: 46114 wrote: SoundToys is offering their "little plate" reverb plug in - both 32 and 64 bit versions - for free until November 22, 2017.

Both PC and Mac versions are available.

I haven't used it yet so I can't comment on it.


I watched some demos on it, it looks really cool. I think I have enough types of reverbs though, or do I? LOL. Well, yeah I do.

Thu, 11/16/2017 - 07:24 Permalink
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I saw this earlier this week on SOS and downloaded it. I must say, with plugins, there is an expression in french that says “more is like not enough”. I download a bunch of plugins and am usually underwhelmed. Not with littlePlate. I was immediately impressed with the quality of the sound. It’s also very easy to dial in. A great sounding reverb that i’ll surely be using regularly!

Sun, 11/19/2017 - 20:02 Permalink
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I went through a period when I downloaded and installed some free plugs. Hell, I'll take anything for free. lol.

But truthfully, I found very few that I thought sounded good. Valhalla Reverb, and Limiter 5, which looked like it came off off a 1960's Soviet Submarine, LOL. BUT ... I did like and use both. But that was, hmmm... like TWO plugs out of the 20 or so that I downloaded and tried. I didn't keep the others. I'm sure I knew it going in, and that is that free plugs so often sound like they should be free. I'm sure they would be useful to a young upstart, though... a young person on a limited budget, just getting into DAW production. If for nothing else, they are useful when you actually buy plug ins, and you hear the difference that quality coding makes. I'm happy to hear that you guys like the Little Plate. There are exceptions to freeware, and sometimes a gem becomes available at no charge; and it sounds like this might be one of those. I did download it, but haven't installed it yet. I'll get around to it eventually, though. :)

Mon, 11/20/2017 - 13:59 Permalink