Hi all !
For example when I've recorded an exellent piece of guitar, but there's a mistake in the playing in the end, I want to keep the first part and start recording just before the mistake occurs. I do this, but when I listen to the audiotrack at the insertion point there is a loud clip sound just when the new recording starts!...
How can I remove these scratch sounds? Or why are they there ?
ikke for at være uhøflig..... men sådan nogle ting hører til und
ikke for at være uhøflig..... men sådan nogle ting hører til under "læs manualen"......
har du yderligere problemer eller spørgsmål er next level (20708086) cubase experter.... men koster penge.... held og lykke
sorry guys..... hope you can forgive me for writing in danish....
I really don't know if iznogood answered your question, but the
I really don't know if iznogood answered your question, but the problem is that you have a wav file stooping at an arbitrary point that is not at the zero-crossing. Simply split the wav at the precise punch-in point and create a very short (depending on how close the notes are together) fade-out. This will keep the track from clipping in this instance.
Yeah, cross-fading is your editing friend.
Yeah, cross-fading is your editing friend.
Thank you very much Schizojames and McCheese ! I'll try it as qu
Thank you very much Schizojames and McCheese ! I'll try it as quickly as possible!
iznogood, I don't understand why you write in danish, it's very impolite to the other members of this forum. Please refrain from doing it again. And by the way, what a terrible answer it was...
He was trying to be nice because your signature says that your e
He was trying to be nice because your signature says that your english sucks!