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Cubase SX2 issue, help !

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi all !

For example when I've recorded an exellent piece of guitar, but there's a mistake in the playing in the end, I want to keep the first part and start recording just before the mistake occurs. I do this, but when I listen to the audiotrack at the insertion point there is a loud clip sound just when the new recording starts!...

How can I remove these scratch sounds? Or why are they there ?



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I really don't know if iznogood answered your question, but the problem is that you have a wav file stooping at an arbitrary point that is not at the zero-crossing. Simply split the wav at the precise punch-in point and create a very short (depending on how close the notes are together) fade-out. This will keep the track from clipping in this instance.

Mon, 07/11/2005 - 11:56 Permalink