i know there is probably no right or wrong answer. but when mastering a stereo track through hardware which is better from those of have the experience, eq then compress, or compress than eq?
i am experimenting on mastering to a 1/2" tape machine, and wanted to know my best hardware or software routing for a final dump down.
i am experimenting on mastering to a 1/2" tape machine, and want
Are you doing all the mastering yourself? PQ and etc...
I've been going directly or through a tube amp/compressor to 1/4" and then done final processing afterwards.
Best Regards,
You're right - There is no right or wrong answer. *Typically*
You're right - There is no right or wrong answer.
*Typically* what might occur is this -
(1) Clean-up & corrective EQ (buzz, hum, overtones, VDO noise, etc.)
(2) Compression
(3) "Shaping" EQ
Of course, that's not a rule, but it's fairly typical. No sense in compressing video noise or low-end overtones - You won't be able to get rid of it afterward.
The shaping EQ is a totally subjective thing, dictated by the needs of the mix. Sometimes it's better before compression. I tend to apply it after when I can.
I mostly have my eq before the compressor.
I mostly have my eq before the compressor.
Hi, I always (99% of the time) EQ before compression. Exception
I always (99% of the time) EQ before compression. Exceptionally, I will use comp first with "special mixes" if I do not want to use a Multi band comp.
Mostly EQ pre Compression. I'm often looking to persuade the co
Mostly EQ pre Compression. I'm often looking to persuade the compressor to react a certain way and a touch of eq will help that happen. The mix has to be very well balanced to take the compressor before EQ.
Mark Wilder
I eq out anything that may drive the compressor (frequencies tha
I eq out anything that may drive the compressor (frequencies that may be resonant, or if I put on any filters I apply them pre-compressor), then I do some additional EQ after compression, then kiss a limiter (not much!) to make sure I don't have any overs.
This is how I often like to do it (if I use a full chain): -Sha
This is how I often like to do it (if I use a full chain):
-Shaping EQ
-Gentle Comp
-Notch filtering and/or very broard band EQ
The shaping EQ and Gentle comp react together as a soundbase of how I would like to have it sound like.
But I often find it better to take one or two thing out of the chain...
Best Regards,
Are you compressing 2 different times and then limiting? PS I E
Are you compressing 2 different times and then limiting?
PS I EQ before compression in most cases. If the eq is bad the comp won't react properly.
Yes, I sometimes use a gentle varimu comp(Max. 1db) only to give
Yes, I sometimes use a gentle varimu comp(Max. 1db) only to give some color and then a digital comp and limiting.
Do you always use one comp stage before limiting?
A lot of times I use 2 compressors, 1 for color or vibe, 1 for c
A lot of times I use 2 compressors, 1 for color or vibe, 1 for controll.
I can't think of anything I've used 2 compressors on . By defini
I can't think of anything I've used 2 compressors on . By definition a limiter is a compressor so I guess were talking about 3. I do ofter use a compressor for dynamic control and then put Limiter and the back end for catching overs.
Well, if you also add a desser as a compressor it would bring it
Well, if you also add a desser as a compressor it would bring it up to 4. Sometimes a little tube saturation and that would be 5? Tape compression 6? transformers 7? these are what I mean about color and vibe and control. With all digital mixes, I find that I use some of these things to add a little color or vibe, others to control. Analog mixes have already gone through many of these processes and don't need it, maybe just a little control.
Depends on the material. Sometimes I use none.