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I have appox. 20 mic's. I know that is NOT alot. However I want to get a preamp or one of the preamp units that have 2, 3, or even 4 channels of preamps.
Please remark! (any one BUT that Sproll guy!)


Guest Thu, 01/27/2005 - 04:27

pre amp

Cost is not any problem. I just want the best I can afford. If it has 2 or 4 pre-amps in a unit that is fine.
8 pre amps in 1 space is too much at this point.
Only because I will most likely be buying 4 or 5 really high end pre amps. (that way I have different pre too sellect from. rather than 1 type of pre amp sound)
I want gear that I will never out grow.
Please reply

anonymous Thu, 01/27/2005 - 06:21

Guy, I dont think anyone would argue this:

2- 4 API 512 pre's in a lunch box or APi 3124(4 channel) w/wo the mixer option.
2 channels Great River Mp2NV


also consider the Chandler LTD 1

Also the chandler tg2 for a diffrent sound

Also look into the Mileenia stuff as well.

With those pre, you are basically covered for all styles of music and they will always hold their value. They are the cream of the crop.

anonymous Thu, 01/27/2005 - 08:27

Cost is not any problem. I just want the best I can afford.

This is sort of contradictory. Just beware when you say cost is not an issue, beacuse people will come out and reccommend the most expensive preamp in existence. Great River, Sebatron, API, Grace, etc all make great preamps... and they're talked about constantly if you search around the boards. If you have a specific sound in mind that you're looking for in a mic pre that hasn't been talked about, then post and ask about that specifically

Davedog Thu, 01/27/2005 - 12:31

I have only two things to say on this have only three things to say on this subject.....API...........Chandler.........Sebatron.....these are all rock and roll(as well as other things).....I'm certain that a LOT of great classical recordings have been made on API consoles over the years...and as everybody knows, the Chandler stuff is a take-off on the EMI console strips from Abbey Road....did they record any classical there???hmmmmm....As far as worrying about having one kind of preamp sound,all of these will react to your source as you choose them to.Your mic placement and your environment will most certainly be a factor in your final result.Many many beautiful and wonderful recordings have been made with only the pres contained in a console....The trick is to have such audiofile representation of your source that there's a minimum of artifact buildup in the sound.These are ALL pieces you can keep till you retire.

Guest Thu, 01/27/2005 - 14:06

pre amps

"cost is not any problem. I just want the best I can afford"

What the Hell was I thinking when I typed that shit up?
What I meant to say is anything under $5000 dollars.
(per unit)
I want some (2 or 3) for heavy metal recording and live use. And it would be nice if I also got 2 or 3 for rock and/ or softer recordings, you know slow songs.
I dont do the country thing. So I dont want anything that is basically used in country music songs, and I don't care to record rapping. (this is just FYI)

KurtFoster Thu, 01/27/2005 - 15:50

sproll wrote:
Sebatron VMP-4000? Ever seen that anywhere?

smartass, can you sit on an ice cream cone and tell us what flavor it is? :? :-? "duhhh deeer" Ya could get a "PreSomus" or "Fhart' pres .... "errr, ummmm duuuuh" :? :-? howzabout a"Are-emm-pea"?

OK to get "real" now, yeah I recommend the VMP -4000e a lot .... and the JLM TMP8 too! and I'm gonna keep on doing it too .... because there's nothing else that's any good that's as affordable .... and most the time the question is "what can I get that won't cost too much?" ... what should I say ??? Sytek? ... yeah right!

If cost is no object ...

Great River MP2NV they make these in 4 pacs too! (the MP4NV)

API 3124+

Pendulum Quartet II

Danking pres ... these are Trident knockopffs! real nice ....

DW Fearn ... again nice stuff!

Manleys .....

Amek /Neve System 9098 this one's a pre and a killer eq ! (at least 2)

A couple Millennia STT-1 Origins ... and / or the HV-3 8 pack ...

Randyman... Thu, 01/27/2005 - 21:04

Another vote for Amek /Neve System 9098EQ. We got to try one this Tuesday. Can you say "This is what EQ should be"? No kidding - aside from a fantastic Mic Pre, you get 4 bands of killer Neve EQ with the Glow and Sheen controls. Used it on a SM-57 (a $2000 pre on a $79 mic!) on a Guitar Amp direct to tape - nice!

And - you can't go wrong with the API 3124+ for heavy/rock styles. 4 Channels - great for Drums!!! Kicks and Snares LOVE it. I'm not so lucky to own one, but I do have the Seventh Circle A12 clones that I am in love with (and a hell of a lot cheaper, too)...


KurtFoster Fri, 01/28/2005 - 16:32

therecordingart wrote: Kurt, why do you dislike Sytek so much?

Because they run out of headroom and lack dimension ... all attributable to the smallish power supplies ... The Neotek consoles implement this same basic pre much better due to the heftier power supply of the console ... Still, even in a console these pres don't have the warmth or character I like of the transformer discreet based pres I usually favor.

anonymous Sun, 01/30/2005 - 11:00

I take it from this and other threads that most people in this forum primarily record rock and similar genres? Anybody out there have experience in (or the desire to) recording R&B, jazz, hip-hop, and/or rap? I know Guy doesn't want to do the rap thing :wink: but what preamps are best geared towards getting these types of sounds?

I have to say that as I've been looking through these threads (and there is a lot of great advice here), I'm surprised not to see Avalon Vt-737 and 747 mentioned more. I'm fairly new to the recording engineering side of things, but my experience and research all said that these pres were very good. Are the ones recommend in this thread better overall, or better for rock?

Like Guy, I'm looking for the best pre I can get for my particular situation, which is R&B, etc.


Todzilla Mon, 01/31/2005 - 10:36

Amen to all the API suggestions. My next door neighbor just got 3 channels in a lunchbox. Needless to say, I happily loaned him my Neumann and some headphones for a session he was working on.

Oh, and "its-that-guy-again," I hear that Shure and Neumann mics are used in country and heavy metal. Also, lots of country starts play Gibsons and Fenders. Oh yeah, and stay away from Marshall amps. I heard that Joe Perry played one on "Walk this Way" with Run DMC.

anonymous Mon, 01/31/2005 - 13:45

I've replaced my Tubes in my Marshall with Groove Tubes 6550, the sound is significantly better to record with, its an old JCM800 head -original from the 80's, with an sm57 mic and small beringer tube mic pre, I'm sure with change of mic pre, the sound will improve - althought what I'm currently getting is great.

Reggie Mon, 01/31/2005 - 14:49

Oh, and "its-that-guy-again," I hear that Shure and Neumann mics are used in country and heavy metal. Also, lots of country starts play Gibsons and Fenders. Oh yeah, and stay away from Marshall amps. I heard that Joe Perry played one on "Walk this Way" with Run DMC.

Well that should help narrow down the choices some more for him. :D

Guest Wed, 02/02/2005 - 17:58

pre amp

O.K. guys
I really, really appreciate all the great replies. I have over half the money already for a new pre amp. Anyday now I will be ordering one. But I have one more question?!
If you could only pick one pre amp to buy first...which would it be?
Please keep in mind it doesn't matter the amount of channels available (per unit)1, 2, or 4.
And I will be getting a couple more pre amps soon, but "which one first"?
I want a pre amp thats sound is good for recording rock and metal. And I'm hoping for the best pre amp I can get from the start.

Guest Thu, 02/03/2005 - 04:02

pre amp

One vote for the API512.
Anyone else? In an prior post Little Dog Audio suggested the API 3124+.
I will take that as two post for the API stuff.
I also would like to thank Kurt for suggesting several great pre amps. However I hope he will let me know which one is his absolute favorite. (cant do without it pre amp)
And of course all other post are welcome as well.
How about you Audiogaff? What you think?
Also thanks to Davedog and Heyman!

AudioGaff Fri, 02/04/2005 - 21:56

Late to the party, but another vote from a owner and user of real API 512. But then I also like and use the Focusrite Red, Vipre, Vintech X81, CIB, and a 1272 on a regular bassis.

There isn't enough difference between the 512 and 3124 to argue about even among the guys who build them.

And for the record, the Neotek console pre's and the MicMax outbaord mic pre they used to make that I own is crisp, clear, clean, detailed with plenty of headroom and has none of the small, edgy, grandular, boring tone that the Sytek has.