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Celemony Melodyne

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Submitted by 3dchris on

Hi Guys,

What do you think about Celemony's Melodyne program used for tuning vocals? Do you have any experience with it?




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Originally posted by BrockStapper:

Well I would say if he downloaded some doodoo into his drawers after downloading the demo it must be pretty good!

no no, you got it wrong, I was just feeling sick
























ha ha, er, not really, melodyne is great, hope that clear things up for Mr, Blue :D

Thu, 06/05/2003 - 22:55 Permalink
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Alright, I downloaded the demo and installed it and tried and slow down one of my mixes a couple of percents. I managed to do that but I have so far only located a minimum number of useful controls that allow me to do anything beyond this (e.g. adjust the quality level etc.). The quality I have achieved so far is pretty much on par with the time stretching I can get from Logic 5 and WaveLab 4 :(

c) not clicking on the right icons/hotspots to enable more functionality :confused:


d) all of the above.

As this demo doesn't come with an online manual (I guess for piracy reasons) I am so far not able to move much further and am not too impressed. I am wondering whether this is the right approach for a piece of demo software ... ??? I am definitely not inclined to spend 100's of $$$ unless I have seen it do a lot more than I have seen so far ... !!!

Any hints on how to get more out of the demo are much appreciated. The example mp3's certainly seem convincing ...


Mon, 06/09/2003 - 14:58 Permalink
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I may be crazy, but I'm sure the mp3s consist of more than a fraction of marketing hype. ;)

There are usually a few magic numbers with which stretching sounds better (Say, fitting 4 cycles in the space of 3 instead of fitting 3.3045943 cycles in the space of three). These could have been what they were working with.

I'm not going to say I'm an expert on how Melodyne works, but you probably could mess with the stretch ratio in really tiny bits (as well as the slice length, if they allow you to mess with that). Minute changes will really make a difference.

P.S. I heard artifacts in the demo MP3s caused by slicing and patching, anyway.

Mon, 06/09/2003 - 17:08 Permalink