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Percieved Volume Consistancy

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Submitted by anonymous on

Is there a trick for getting all 12 tracks on an album at the same percieved volume?

Tracks I'm currently working with were done over 1 year's time, so the volumes vary quite a bit, even after using my 'evil L2'.



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AumStudioBrian wrote: Is there a trick for getting all 12 tracks on an album at the same percieved volume?

Tracks I'm currently working with were done over 1 year's time, so the volumes vary quite a bit, even after using my 'evil L2'.

Right ... the L2 only raises the level of what's there, and it's artifacts will effect the various material diffferently ... assuming different midrange, and vocal to bass/kick relationships.

This is really a case for professional mastering.

You probably need compression, eq and limiting ... maybe even a different signal chain for each 'era' to hold it all together to a standard that works for you.

Tue, 05/10/2005 - 12:19 Permalink