I currently am running a 5400rpm drive for my software (Sonar) and a 7200rpm hard drive for the recorded wave tracks. Since I am only running the 5400 rpm for the software is that an issue?
One other question;
I want to upgrade my Proc. and board. I should be abe to just plug my drives back in after the installation and I won't loose any thing? Of course wil do a back up first.
Q1: 5400 is fine for software because the most used code of any
Q1: 5400 is fine for software because the most used code of any piece of software is loaded into ram when you start the software up.
Is that the same drive your OS is on? That may be a bit of a problem, becasue of disk access time and transfer speed, but you wouldn't see that much of a difference with a 7200 drive.
Q2: You OS installation contains drivers for your motherboard devices, such as built in video, etc. If you get a new mobo, you're going to have to install new drivers for your mobo. the mobo should come with a driver CD. But you may run into problems. You may want to copy the drivers off the CD onto the drive before you take apart the computer, just in case your new mobo has trouble with the CD or any other device. Then you could use the found hardware wizard to install the drivers.
The driver answer is an excellent idea. Would the data on my ha
The driver answer is an excellent idea.
Would the data on my hard drives be safe?
In another words, if the installation went fine I should be able to plug my hard drives back in and I wont loose my Sonar or my tracks from my 2nd hard drive.
The data will be fine, the catalog and directory structure (the
The data will be fine, the catalog and directory structure (the databases that tell your hard drive where the files are and how to get there) are located on the drive, so once you reconnect your audio drive, it should be there.
I would suggest that you defrag the drive, check your directory structures and catalogs on all drives, etc. Use something like Norton Disk Doctor. And get in the habit of doing disk maintenance regularly. Its the only component in your computer with moving parts (well the CD and floppy do too, but....) and consequently the most likely to fail.