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plugin electric guitar effects

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Submitted by moisiss on

Hey all,

I have played acoustic guitar for a while and have just started playing electric guitar. I don't have an amp and was wanting to record some electric parts on a song... but I don't know which way to go on effects. I have messed around with some older amp modelers (nomad factory rock amp and revalver) but so far the results are less then desired. Everything sounds pretty flat and hollow (for lack of better terms). Now, the guitar I'm using isn't the best (an epiphone SG... I traded a sandwhich for it... a footlong Subway Italitan BMT none the less) so I'm guessing that's one issue. But what about these plugin effects? Is there any secret to dialing in sounds that actually sound good (I really don't have much experience with guitar effects in general)... or do the afformentioned plugins I've messed around with just sound crapy? I've been thinking about buying Amplitube 2 or possibly the POD line 6 or something along those lines... any advice? Right now I'm using the Firepod (front end) and Cubase/Reason as my mixing software if that makes a difference.

Are any of these plugins worth messing with or should I just break down and buy an amp and outboard effects?


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My opinion.

There isn't a much better rock sound than a Chambered Les Paul with the Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates through a Keely Katana, Green Rhino, Red Witch Moonphaser, and Angry Troll plugged into a Soldano Avenger hitting a 4x12 vintage marshall cab with Greenbacks in it. However, that rig is stupid expensive beyond what most of us can afford. (Myself included, I just tech the rig... don't own it)

For my own experiences I use the Waves GTR plugins for recording and use my real stuff live.

If you want to hear the plugins, head to my site at:

There are two songs, "Post Modern Lovers" is using a mix of my Fender Toronado & Gibson 137 directly into Pro Tools and processed with the Waves GTR setup.

"Painkiller" is my old Digitech RP300 into my Peavey Special 130 and mic'd with a good 'ol SM57.



Tue, 10/17/2006 - 13:37 Permalink
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Amplitube 2 seems like a really good and flexible piece of software, but I haven't tried it. I do have Guitar Rig 2 though, and it's great IMO. There are hundreds of presets to start from, but you also have total flexibility in terms of what you want in the rack, in which order, etc. The options are really staggering.

I think Guitar Rig followed by a good EQ is excellent.

Sun, 11/12/2006 - 23:49 Permalink
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Digit, I do that all the time. I simply walk up to some street musician who looks like he/she hasn't eaten in a week. I watch them perform for a few minutes, then I open up my backpack and take out one half of a Subway sub and start to chow down. They eventually start to look a bit faint, their playing trails off, and then they just stop from weakness. I then reach into my backpack for the other half and start to barter with them. I have "aquired" a Martin D-28, a Johnson mandolin, an Epiphone Herb Ellis, and set of bagpipes, an accordian, and a couple of Ovation Applauses in this manner....Give it a try!

Mon, 11/13/2006 - 07:32 Permalink
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Tommy P.

Lol. I wonder if that would work with a tired and hungry biker. I always wanted a Harley.

moonbaby wrote: Digit, I do that all the time. I simply walk up to some street musician who looks like he/she hasn't eaten in a week. I watch them perform for a few minutes, then I open up my backpack and take out one half of a Subway sub and start to chow down. They eventually start to look a bit faint, their playing trails off, and then they just stop from weakness. I then reach into my backpack for the other half and start to barter with them. I have "aquired" a Martin D-28, a Johnson mandolin, an Epiphone Herb Ellis, and set of bagpipes, an accordian, and a couple of Ovation Applauses in this manner....Give it a try!

Back on topic, I'd experiment with an all in one box modeller that spells out the flavors in the presets eg; 'Blackface" and such, so then when you find what you like, in terms of amptone and effects, you can go out and buy the real thing. Having spent most of your time on an acoustic, I'd think you might like a dynamic feel in a guitar amplifier.

moisiss wrote: Hey all,

I have played acoustic guitar for a while and have just started playing electric guitar. I don't have an amp and was wanting to record some electric parts on a song... but I don't know which way to go on effects. I have messed around with some older amp modelers (nomad factory rock amp and revalver) but so far the results are less then desired. Everything sounds pretty flat and hollow (for lack of better terms). Now, the guitar I'm using isn't the best (an epiphone SG... I traded a sandwich for it... a footlong Subway Italitan BMT none the less) so I'm guessing that's one issue. But what about these plug in effects? Is there any secret to dialing in sounds that actually sound good (I really don't have much experience with guitar effects in general)... or do the afformentioned plug-ins I've messed around with just sound crapy? I've been thinking about buying Amplitube 2 or possibly the POD line 6 or something along those lines... any advice? Right now I'm using the Firepod (front end) and Cubase/Reason as my mixing software if that makes a difference.

Are any of these plug ins worth messing with or should I just break down and buy an amp and outboard effects?

Wed, 11/15/2006 - 09:41 Permalink