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Unnecessary amount of tracks in pro tools

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Submitted by anonymous on

so with pro tools le on mac. how can i make it so after i save and close the session, that the only files saved are the ones i have on my edit display. for instance, if I'm recording guitar. and we do a bunch of bad takes, i dont want or need those bad takes in my sessions folder! what shall i do?


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you are supposed to delete them from the audio bin

just removing the audio from the edit window doesn't remove the media from the drive

One fast way to get a result, might be to

save session in/as (can't remember the exact term)

save the session to a new drive or different folder and it can be told to take only the media files associated with the current edit along with plug info and you can select Mac/PC compatability etc

please do practice this a couple of times before you delete the original song folder

Wed, 07/13/2005 - 01:55 Permalink
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open the regions list on the right side, and then click on the top bar, choose select>select unused regions. Then click on that bar again, and choose remove selected regions, then choose delete to permanently delete them from your harddrive. A box will pop up asking if you're sure about deleting each file, to avoid that, just ALT-Click on the first one and it will answer the same for every file from then on untill all of your bad takes/unused regions are deleted.


Wed, 07/13/2005 - 07:43 Permalink
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the trouble is

if there are very small uses of the audio in the edit ... by mistake

the unused list is not as long as you might want it to be.

consolidation can be a cool trick.

ALL of these perminant disk functions need to be experimented with before you dive in on original sessions.

Please make backups and then experiment and practice.

It will all make sense soon

Wed, 07/13/2005 - 14:38 Permalink
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To make extra double sure I don't screw up projects, this is how I clean up in PT:

1. Change the disk allocation settings to put all newly created files in a different folder

2. Consolidate all tracks (and make 'em start at zero for good measure)

3. Close session

4. Move original audio folder to trash but DO NOT EMPTY TRASH

5. Reopen session and "skip all" when asked about old files

6. If you're sure that everything is there that needs to be, then remove all the old audio files and switch the disk allocation back.

7. Lastly, empty the trash.

This makes sure that you don't mess up anything until you've verified that it has already worked. If something goes wrong, your audio files are in the trash can and you just copy them back to the original location. It's a long process, but it's fool-proof, and I'm a fool.


Mon, 07/18/2005 - 06:16 Permalink
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As a safety precaution, I don't delete ANYTHING in a session until all tracking is fully completed and it's time to move on to the mix. No matter how proficient you are at file management, it's not worth risking the loss of the only good take of a guitar solo, a vocal pass, or anything else that took multiple takes to get right. Once I've completed tracking, I'll consolidate all of my tracks, rename each region & file name GoodKick, GoodSnare, GoodBass, GoodGtr1, etc., delete all other region fragments, and THEN select unused regions for deletion. This way, when you do select unused regions, it's extraordinarily easy to make sure you're not deleting anything to be used in the final mix, as all final takes are grouped in the G's because of the nomenclature. Just scroll down to all the GoodXXX's and make sure none are selected before you carry through with the deletion process.

Sounds like we all have our file management procedures, but I am a proponent of always erring on the side of caution. I believe that deleting files before all tracking is complete and arrangements are made is playing with fire.

Sure, some files aren't needed, but why do you not want these multiple takes around? It's not a bad thing to keep the files around. Pro Tools, by its very design, is made to keep track of all files and keep the session running smoothly even though there are still files around that aren't being used. If disk space is an issue to the point that you don't have room for multiple takes of any single track in order to complete the recording of an album, you should seriously consider investing in more storage.

Mon, 07/18/2005 - 08:57 Permalink
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I know this doesn't directly answer your question, others have doen that well, however, one helpful tip is if a take goes bad and you're not going to keep it, rather than pressing space bar to stop then ctrl-z to undo, press ctrl-period (not space though-ctrl-period stops record/playback and deletes the take), which eleminates the wasted take from the disk. Undo doesn't really get it off the disk, just takes it out of the session. Saves you work later.

Thu, 07/21/2005 - 22:28 Permalink
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Just had a read through looks like alot of conflicting advice but 1 thing is for sure.. always make a backup

Straight after each session i would advice just burning a quick DVD incase something happens!

Ok, to remove tracks that aren't used consolidate the tracks which is great for changing the tracks between other programs, click on the menu in the audio bin, then select, unused regions. Then hit remove NOT delete.

Click File Save Session Copy, in that dialog in the bottom hit all Audio Files. This will ensure u take all used audio files with the session. Choose a new folder and save it to there. Close this session and go and open the one you just saved. Open it and check all play's back OK and no files are missing. If it works you can go ahead and delete the old session folder. (probly best to burn a dvd though with it on)

And Voila!

Hope tht helped

Wed, 07/27/2005 - 23:51 Permalink
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None of the advice is conflicting. It just provides different means to the same end - a session containing all the good tracks while freeing up disk space.

But, after reading another thread by someone who accidentally deleted good takes in PT, I'm left wondering why everyone thinks that it's imperative to delete anything to begin with? Whether or not you are a fan of DAW's, one of the greatest things about them is their ability to manage your tracks and files for you, and keep all those takes around, whether or not you use them. And as cheap as storage is these days, why even take the risk of losing irreplacable material? DAW software is designed to keep track of files for you.

So, why do you delete files, assuming disk space is not an issue?

Thu, 07/28/2005 - 08:58 Permalink
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archival perhaps ?

trying to fit your sessions on to 650 for CDroms


4.7 G single layer

9 on the duals

To those on a budget I do feel you pain


... in times past the cost of 20 mins of 2 inch 24 track might almost buy a complete computer these days.

and my current price for a large-ish IDE or SATA drive is comparable to a 1/2 inch 8 track tape when I first got into recording.


the cost of the 8 track itself was !!!! :shock:

you guys have it easy today.


Buy a new drive for each new project and keep the drive on the shelf.

Thu, 07/28/2005 - 14:21 Permalink